
I just got a bill from the hosp. where I had surgery 2005. I had insurance Y bill me now?

by Guest67119  |  earlier

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Am I responsible for a 2005 hospital bill that should have been paid through my insurance company at the time of service. To make matters worst the insurance company no longer exsit and I'm getting bill for this surgery now 2008 they waited 3 yrs to let me know the insurance company didn't pay them!




  1. Just ignore it, in another 4 years it will be too old of a debt to be on your credit record. If you pay them even one penny it will reset the 7 year clock.

  2. Unfortunately, you are responsible for payment of any services rendered. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure the bill is submitted to the insurance and processed timely. At this point, since you say the insurance is no longer (?), contact the hospital and see if you can get a discounted rate or financial assistance -- however due to the age of this bill, that would be doubtful...

  3. Most likely you will not need to pay this. Network contracts usually require doctors to sign a hold harmless provision. Which is contract clause which forbids providers from seeking compensation from patients if the health plan fails to compensate the providers because of insolvency or for any other reason.

    I would call the hospital and ask them about the hold harmless provision and if they give you any grief contact your states Department of Insurance.

    This practice can also be considered balance billing and is illegal in some states.

  4. You need to listen to the Insurance Made Easy guy. He is correct. You had insurance and it is in no way your fault that it took them that long to bill your insurance who now no longer even exists. I used to work at a hospital and most insurances have a time limit on claims and if the hospital didn't bill them in time (some companies were 6 months, some were a year), then the insurance didn't have to pay. Then the hospital would try to go after the patient, but they are not legally required to pay it either because the billing staff weren't competent enough to send the claim in a timely manner. The hospital that I worked at had to write it off as "bad debt". They are going to try to make you pay them, but you do not have to pay for their incompetence. For future reference though, you should have known something was wrong if you never received any kind of explanation of benefits from your insurance company or any other bills from the hospital. It is your responsibility to keep up to date on these manners. But no, you should in no way have to pay for this bill. Get a lawyer if you have to, but I don't think it will be necessary. Find out what date they billed your insurance company. Look back in all of the old mail you can find to see what kind of bills you have from the hospital and anything your insurance company might have sent you. Good luck!

  5. Yes, you are ultimately responsible.

    It's ultimately up to you, to follow up, and be sure that the insurance company pays your bill.

    Did the hospital even bill the insurance company?

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