
I just got a bird as a gift from my father. Although im not quite sure what it is. Please HELP!?

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My dad got me a bird since I'm a big animal lover. I have many pets but never a bird. Ive researched online and from what I concluded, she is a quaker parakeet. But im not sure I could be wrong. I took a picture of her, and im hopeing you all can help me out. I have an appointment with the vet so maybe he can help me too. But for now, shes green with yellow on her head and red around her beak area. She also has a blue tail (feathers) and fours toes, two that point forward and two backward. So far I love her! Im here with her all day. She seemed a bit frightened at first but shes warming up to me. Also, is it ok if I take her outside everyday? If so, for how long?

I would appreciate some information or help.

And please dont be rude and say I shouldnt have a bird in the first because I am very capable of caring for a bird!





  1. What a sweetie!  Your dad must love you a lot to give you such a precious gift.  Does your dad know what kind of bird her bought? If bought from a pet store does it say on the receipt?

    I say Peach Face Lovebird

    You will enjoy raising it no matter what kind of bird it is but please don't take her outside, even in a cage as accidents can happen and she is safer inside.

    ""KARMA"" your link is a picture of a peach face lovebird

  2. I'm 110% sure that your bird is a lovebird! And what a beautiful one, too!

    Taking her out of the cage is wonderful! In fact, that's exactly what you're supposed to do with your bird. Give her plenty of toys to destroy and chew on, a good pellet diet with fresh fruits and veggies, lots of attention, and she'll be happy as a clam! :)

  3. It kind of looks like a love bird maybe? But I am not a bird expert.

  4. Aww, you've got a peach-faced lovebird!  Contrary to what some people think, lovebirds don't need to be in pairs and can be great pets on their own.  It's okay to take her outside when the weather's nice, but only in a cage or carrier because otherwise she could escape and get eaten by a predator, and you have to watch her while outside to make sure she's not getting too hot or scared.  Here's my favorite bird message board where you're sure to find out a lot of stuff:

    The picture Karma posted is a peach-faced lovebird with its normal colors.  Your bird is definitely the same species, just a different color mutation (mutations are the different kinds of colors a species of bird can be, for example green budgies and blue budgies).  Also, there is no such bird as a "quaker budgie".  Quakers and budgies are different species of parakeet.

  5. Looks like a lovebird to me! Keep out of drafty windy days. Keep out of direct sunlight. Try to put the cage in partial shade with a little sun. Leave him out for an hour or so, but do not leave him unattended.

  6. I agree. She could also be a quaker budgie/ parakeet. At least by the pictures thats what it looks like.

    Sorry, But guys this isn't a love bird compare the 2 pictures of the one she gives and this

    Here bird is no love bird.

  7. it's probably a budgie or a parakeet. If you want to let her out of her cage, clip her wings so she can't fly away. I would let her out of the cage for atleast 15 minutes. If you do, make sure they have an attractive place to play. I would not let them outside even if you clip her wings. Although they can not fly, they can hop quick. And if they want to go, there's really no stopping them. Goodluck! Hope I helped you! :)

  8. aww its soo cute well its a peach-faced lovebird im gunna get one of those soon!!

  9. its probably a peach faced lovebird.u can take her outside but make shure she is tame first.see is she can get on ur fingure without much resistance.also u should take her out for as long as u want.but not to much it may start begging u to let it out.

  10. Rosy- faced lovebird

  11. It's a lovebird! What a cutie!

    When you say taking your bird "outside" I am a little confused. If you mean outdoors then I would defiantly not recommend that, especially if the birds wings are not clipped. If you mean out of the birds cage then YES!!! You should have them out as much as you can. An hour is minimum per day.

    Here is a link to a website that helped me a lot when I got my first lovebird and you should really take a look at it.

    Good Luck!!!

  12. Definitely not a quaker. Looks like a peach faced lovebird, as the others mentioned.

  13. your bird is adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i read about birds and  they are really cool. your bird will get used to you in some weeks. i woulnt take her outside though. do you mean out of her cage? dont take her out until she likes you an is used to you. you can teach her tricks an maybe how to talk!!!!!!!

    tell her i said HI!!!

  14. its a lovebird, i have had them before nice and friendly if they are handfed and socialized

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