My dad got me a bird since I'm a big animal lover. I have many pets but never a bird. Ive researched online and from what I concluded, she is a quaker parakeet. But im not sure I could be wrong. I took a picture of her, and im hopeing you all can help me out. I have an appointment with the vet so maybe he can help me too. But for now, shes green with yellow on her head and red around her beak area. She also has a blue tail (feathers) and fours toes, two that point forward and two backward. So far I love her! Im here with her all day. She seemed a bit frightened at first but shes warming up to me. Also, is it ok if I take her outside everyday? If so, for how long?
I would appreciate some information or help.
And please dont be rude and say I shouldnt have a bird in the first because I am very capable of caring for a bird!