
I just got a bout of chest pain... help please!?

by  |  earlier

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Hey. I'm a 21 year old male and was at work doing some filing when all of a sudden i got a bout of chest pain. It feels kinda like I got punched right in the sternum. I mean its died down a little but I can still feel it. I ate dinner about an hour and half ago, could it be heartburn? It's not a heart attack is it? Should I be worried?




  1. Take medicine.

  2. Call you doctor and ask for an appointment soon!  If the pain returns, go to the ER.  Just because you are 21 does not mean that you couldn't be experiencing something serious.  ER's never take chest pain in anyone lightly!

    It's better to be safe and have it be indigestion than to end up with permanent damage or worse, dead.

  3. no if u are really concerned then see a doctor i sometime get these like  a stinging thing in my chest and it hurts for about a minute

  4. It's not likely to be a heart attack. You can actually hurt your sternum pretty easily just bending too much.  

  5. Look up on google.

    pre cordial catch syndrome.

    it could be that, although you usually feel it for like five seconds and its gone for good.

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