
I just got a boyfriend and i don't know if im ready for him because i am "scared" of a commitment. any advice?

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i met him through my best guy friend and he is s**y and sweet and he is perfect (so far) but my history with men is quite bleak. i usually end relationships because i get bored with boyfriends fast. i just want your input on wether i should stay single an break up with him or just try it out and see what lessons i learn.




  1. if you dont fell anything when your with him, dump hiss ***

  2. find more meaning in it. how do married couples cope? sure they get bored but they have a good meaning to commit.

  3. i wish i new i get bored of them too

  4. fix your broken relationship w/ your dad and magically you'll be able to be more intimate w/ the men in your life.

  5. Don't be afraid to tell him how you feel! He will feel better knowing, and you probably will too. Let him know you want to take it very slow and are not looking for anything too serious at the moment, but that could change.

    Yeah, just don't make it too serious too fast. Keep it light and casual and see where it goes! It sounds like you really like him, so I say give the relationship a chance.

    good luck!!

  6. No one other than you can answer this. My opinion is at least give him a chance, don't assume you'll get bored and push him out, or that's exactly what will happen. You're not LETTING yourself be in a committed relationship, and you need to find out why... just remember what ever it is, its not this guys fault, he seems perfect (so far) and may be just what you need... relax and take it as it comes, you never know what could happen.  

  7. make out with him and see if the earth moves, if not say bye bye

  8. ....... No comments~

  9. if he asks for a ******* then he is an a*****e dump him. TELL him to l**k ur p*ssy instead

  10. so you say your boyfriend is "perfect" yet you break up with boyfriends because you get bored with them.

    i bet you're going to break up with him soon.

    maybe you should stay single forever since all your boyfriends are boring.

  11. If you're young (under the age of 20) then it really doesnt matter what you do, because people make mistakes, and it's okay because you have time to learn. If you're over 20, then you listen here sister. relationships are hard but you have to work through them, and i know everybody says that, but its true! you don't want to break up with the right guy just because you get bored with them. you also dont want any crazy nutjobs. Ever. trust me, ive been there. you want somebody who loves you and will take care of you and who is smart. you, yes you, go to the library, and pick up the book twilight, new moon, eclipse, and breaking dawn, and read about how edward treats bella. if you dont see how THAT is true love, then i dont know what the ____ youre thinking of!!! Amen sista!!!!

  12. It's not like it's a life-time commitment or marriage. I'm not you, but if I were you, I'd try it out. What harm could it do?

  13. Relax.  I think you are commitment phobic.  You get bored? What is it that you are expecting? You sound like someone who likes a lot of attention.  Who always need to be entertained.  If you like someone you should never feel bored.  I wouldn't project anything.  Just let the relationship run its course and see what happens.

  14. i doubt that you will get anything out of breaking up with him you should at least see where it goes.

  15. Duh.  Try it.  Don't give up on every guy you date just because of your past history with other guys.

    Do that and you'll be alone for the rest of your life.

  16. When you first date a guy, it shouldn't be all serious 'cause that's how you get hurt.  Go out with him, but keep it cool, have group dates, enjoy each other like you've been best friends forever, and if you act like that then you won't have anything to be bored with.  Take time to get to know each other before you get serious!  =)

  17. hey ..

    try it out and just have fuhn with him as long as you can and see where it ends up


    hope my advice helps


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