
I just got a brazilian!?

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i was just in to have my first brazilian...and she left hair on the inside of my outter labia. is this normal? i've read in here that ALL the hair gets taken off. so i feel like i got jipped. is there a good way to fix this? i payed alot of money for it, should i go back?




  1. definitely should go back if you paid so much! get to it!

  2. just finish it yourself, that be weird if you went back complaining about tht. and yeh a little too much information.

  3. yeah because all the hair is meant to be gone i would go back and complain

  4. I seriously doubt you'd want that part of your skin waxed.  That would be like waxing the inside of your mouth.  Ouch.  Get a razor and do it yourself.

  5. ok too much information..

  6. if you dont feel that its right then go back and have her fix it. you paid for it and its her job to do it right!

  7. def call her ot the manager. they will clean it up. no charge. they want your business and want you coming back.

  8. I would go back and tell her, before it gets too late.

  9. yea go back all the hair is suppost to be off!.. ur right

  10. If you feel that it wasn't done right or well, you should go back and have the person correct it.  You're right, there should be no hair left. But there may have been a problem or even an oversight -- so definitely go back to the salon where you had it done.  

  11. maybe phone and ask if the hairs supposed to be left there. if it is, then don't worry about it. if it isn't, then go back and get them to take it off. im pretty sure its supposed to be there though. they dont take off everything.  

  12. I dont think you should do anything because you can irritate your skin pretty bad. Just go back and ask to who did it, I'm sure they are willing to help. Good Luck!

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