
I just got a budgie almost 3 days ago i got it on the 18th. I was wondering how often i should play with it...

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what other foods to feed it(other than lettuce and seed). Please help me! DONT TELL ME THAT I SHOULD HAVE RESEARCHED BECAUSE I DID! i just need some advice i have a bird bath with a mirror is that a good idea? ty you so much> XD ONLY PEOPLE WHO KNOW WHAT THEYRE DOING!!!




  1. i would get a few more toys, and u can easily hand tame it and it will looove to play with you, mine do lol check out for a good guide on taming your bird, goodluck!

  2. I love birds too, start out slowly and let him or her get used to your hand in the cage. He needs to get used to his new surroundings first though. You should have a pet store or someone who knows clip his wings if it wasn't done when you bought him, it will keep the bird from flying into windows and ceiling fans while you train, and you can work with him a little every day.   You should get a birdbath without the mirror or he will bond to the reflection and not to you.    They like dry toast too and they LOVE millet spray. Keep him out of drafts and use a covered water dish so the water will stay clean.  Don't forget, they must have gravel&grit along with their food so it will digest. With good care you will have him for many years. It takes time but he will talk if you work with him. The males talk the most and if your bird has bright blue above his nose it's most likley a male. Give him different size perches too so his feet will get exercise. Have fun!

  3. i have had 2 budgies and they were great. We fed ours almost anything! A little scrambled egg, cantalope, a lot of lettuce [I know that you had mentioned that which is good :) ], peaches [ we let them eat the "meat" part of it, they wouldn't eat the skin ], and grapes. They ate it all! We also gave them what is called millet spray. It is a very tasty snack for them and they absolutely love it!

    As for toys, mirrors are great, which you have also mentioned. Concerning the bird bath, mine never really used it but yours might be different. Playing with your bird, you will find it a lot of fun! I have found that mine were very active and playful.

    Good luck with your budgies and I hope this helped!

  4. I love budgies, in fact I had 5 before I moved to a condo, now I can't get any budgies because my mom says the carpet will get dirty due to their feathers flying everywhere. Anyway, when I first started playing with my budgie I put on a glove because my budgie would bite me. I taught my budgie to go on my finger by holding him with one hand and placing his legs on my finger then he would stand on it normally, I would make my arm go up and down, it was very fun for him and he would tweet when I used to do it. Eventually he got smart enough to go up my arm and go out of the cage, haha he was very clever. He even went up my shirt and literally kissed me. The main point is, don't use force with them, love them and treat them with care and you'll be surprised at what they will learn by them selves. I hope this helps.

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