
I just got a citation for doing 35 in a 25 zone. Is it worth going to court for?

by  |  earlier

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So when the cop pulled me over it was 11:45 at night and literally nobody else was on the road. When I saw the cop (b4 I passed him) I looked at my speedometer and it said 30 but he cited me for 35, do I have a case against the ticket or am I just screwed?




  1. go to the window or where ever you pay the ticket and ask them if they will lower it, chances are they will or go to driving school

  2. I thought the 25 speed limit was for in built up areas and around schools during the day!

  3. You can try to fight it, the cop might not bother going to court. If he does show up the fine will be about the same, but also add court costs.

  4. just pay it. it ant worth it

  5. u should cuz mabe if u go to court tney might lower yur ticket price.

  6. ALWAYS, ALWAYS plead not guilty, then when you go to court you have a slim chance of having the ticket dismissed, if the cop doesn't show up.

    or more likely you may be given the chance to plead guilty to a lesser charge, like a non-moving violation that will not show up on your car insurance.

    sometimes your offered a chance to attend driving school etc.

    so ALWAYS plead not guilty.

  7. id say it was because you were going 35. ur screwed

  8. I don't think it's worth it. Just pay the fine

  9. sorry,  you were guilty.  pay the fine and get over it.

  10. Nope, just ask the judge if it is possible for you to take a defensive driving course and pay the reduce fine and court cost....

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