
I just got a dui and have no license i'm illegal but been here for 15 years? what i'm i looking at for fines?

by  |  earlier

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i just got my first dui and i'm not a us citizen so i can't be liescened and i've been here for about 15 years what kind of fines and penalties i'm i looking at?




  1. doesn't surprise me at all to hear of yet another illegal getting caught for drunk driving. I really hope you get deported back where you belong. Why have you not gotten legal in 15 yrs? Why in the H*** are you still here. I believe you should get twice as much fines if not more than a legal american. Hope you have enjoyed your time here.Bye Bye

  2. forget fines, you goin to the chaaaiiirrrrrr. or maybe guantanamo woooo

  3. I do not want you to receive any fines or penalties. I want you to go home and apply for reentry to my country legally.

  4. With any luck, you'll get deported. Barring that, they should make you pay about a thousand times what a CITIZEN would. Go home and break laws there.

  5. fines?  You should be deported. you have broken 3  laws at once.

  6. Hopefully, you will be deported.

  7. You need to be deported.  The DUI is the least of your worries.

    Obviously you have no respect for any of our laws; now you turn around and expect to benefit from their protection.  **** you.

  8. SFC Ollie will have MY vote for best answer if I catch this question during voting.  The actual answer depends HEAVILY on were you are.  In some states, they would pay you to 'disappear' into another state.

  9. It's amazing to me how an illegal alien can legally get a driver's license in this country.  On the other hand, I'm not really surprised.

  10. You don't say where you got ticketed but you are looking at some trouble!

    DUI, driving without a license:  Fines and costs of the court.  

    Illegal entry to the USA ... just wait for the deportation order.  

    Now, since you were an unlicensed driver caught in the act of misdemeanor [at least] DUI, my question is ... why were you not taken into custody at the time of the offense?  Why were you not held until your identity and legal residency was confirmed?  

    If you were still incarcerated, it is highly unlikely that you would have internet access to ask this question!  If it was true that you were unlicensed and an illegal immigrant ... it is equally unlikely that the department that had you in custody would release you.

    I'm guessing that this question is just attempting to stir up anti-illegal comments.

  11. The county jail where i live in Ca. is full of illegals waiting for INS to deport them! Good bye and good radiance

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