
I just got a fish tank not even a week ago and enjoy it so far :), but I got some questions:?

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1.) I got a Comet Goldfish and there's nothing wrong with it, except it eat like no tomorrow, could that be a problem?

2.) Is there any such thing as a fresh water octopus?

3.) Is there a way to keep both a carnivore and some ohter non-evil fish together in 1 tank?

4.) is it really that hard to keep salt water fish?




  1.         Well, I can really only give you a tip on your fourth question. I've read up a little on salt water tanks, and they're a real pain. Salt water fish are much more delicate and sensitive to water quality than most freshwater fish. If this is your first tank, I'd suggest sticking to freshwater for a while and research salt water tanks so you'll be ready when you set one up.

  2. Goldfish are always hungry. No there no way you can put a predatory  fish with goldfish if you did put a bigger  meat eating fish like a oscar in the tank the other fish will be eaten.

  3. 1.) i think your fish is fine just if you see that hes getting fat feed him less

    2.)um of course not?

    3.) it depends on size, if you have a small cichlid and a large catfish it would be fine

    4.) i personal haven't but i know there are tons of different algae buildups and you have to keep a bunch of different levels right such as the salt, water hardness, and heat plus you'll need a huge tank as many fish require one

  4. 1 thats good

    2 no

    3 yes if the fish is a carnivore and has other fishes with it thats peacefull and cannot fit in the carnivores mouth.

    4 yes expensive too

    goodluck!!!! =D and congradulations on getting a comet fish!!!


    Ghost shrimps are scavangers so they eat anything that sinks and algae. Comets are pigges they'll eat till they die. I'm sorry though that your common suckers died =( they eat tropical fish food and algae. Try algae tablets or get some live plants to make the algae.

    If you have any questions feel free to email me at

  5. 1) Gold fish will eat and eat and eat until they die.  You need to limit their food.  Depending on his size, it should really be much less then most people think.

    3)  Yes, you can sometimes keep aggressive fish with non aggressive fish.  But this can be tricky.  Make sure that all fish have places to hide, and when you add a new fish, change the rocks and plants to it looks like a new tank.

    4) Yes.  Much harder than freshwater.  But, they are quite beautiful.  And I do enjoy the challenge  

  6. I can tell you that All fish eat like theres no tomarrow its funny cause my sis reciently overfed a goldfish and floated him so its normal for him to eat like that but DONT feed the poor thing too much it will die feed it once a day like before you go to bed or when you wake up.

    No such thing as a Fresh water Octopus

    DONT Keep Evil and Nice fish in a tank together i have a beta (japinease fighting fish) they are born to kill dont mix good and bad.

    and it is more work to keep saltwater fish instead of Fresh water!

  7. Salt water fish are unlike any other fish in that they usually breath ouf of their fins.  They have eyelids that can keep out water.  The freshwater fish must come to the top of the water in order to clear the water from their eyes.  You may notice this in ponds or pools of water.  I would go for a low maintanence fish like maybe a toad.  Toads only need a little water.  You can feed toads things like left over potatoes or chips or anything made from potatoe.

  8. Well, if you are willing to monitor and keep track of the salt levels, a salt water aquarium is really enjoyable to have. And about carnivores, you mean sharks and such? They can be mixed with some fish, at your local pet shop just look to see what fish can act as tank mates and will not turn in to a meal, hope this helps.

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