
I just got a guinea pig and i was wondering if later if i wantedto get another one will they fight?

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I just got a guinea pig and I was going to take one of his siblings he seems kinda lonely will they fight or get along if I get another one in the next couple of weeks?




  1. Yes, by all means, get him a buddy. It doesn't *have* to be a sibling. Guinea pigs are herd animals & should be housed in pairs, at a minimum.

    As long as proper neutral territory introductions are done, you should have good success in pairing him up. See this link for info on proper introductions. You'll need to scroll down a ways to find it:

    You'll also want to make sure the cage is big enough. Boars tend to need a tad more space than sows.

    Good luck!

  2. they will eventually get along but introduce them in a bathtub before they live with each other. make sure they are grooming eachother before you put them in the same cage. guinea pigs are social animals so it shouldnt take long

  3. you have to match them up correctly and give them enough space:

    adopt, don't buy  

  4. You should allow them to meet each other on neutral grounds, such as a playpen, and watch them very carefully. If they accept each otherspresence within 15 minute, then you know that they will do fine with each other.

    If they start fighting, put a towel over one of their faces, so that they cannot see to fight, and then separate them immediately.

    If they happen to accept each other, which is very common, then you should let them continue to meet each other for about one hour, with strict supervision in a playpen.

    I hope I was of help,

    Guinea Pig Expert

  5. Your guinea pig will love a companion! In fact, Guinea Pigs are very social and it would be almost cruel for you not to get another. Like someone already said, introduce them in the bathtub. They shouldn't fight, then you put them in the same cage. If they do, get another cage and do the bathtub thing everyday. They should be fine.

  6. You should have gotten two in the first place because they are very social animals and do best in pairs but if you get another one pretty soon then they should get along great.

  7. They should get along; Guinea Pigs are social animals.  

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