
I just got a job as a waiter...?

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its my first job as a waiter, can i get some TIPS?




  1. 1. SMILE

    2. keep table clean

    3. serve fast

    4. be interested in your customers but not too annoying

    5. dont interrupt conversations

    6. appitizer 1/2 done tell kitchen to make entree

    7. offer dessert almost finished

    8. keep drinks full

    9. when carrying drinks/soups dont look at them youll spill

    10. ask if they want there bill dont drop it off just guessing

    11. say thanks for coming w/o looking at the tip (its rude)

  2. of course.. just dont spill anything on anyone

  3. Remember that you don't have to continually and repeatedly ask if everything's all right everytime you approach the table for additional service. If something's NOT all right and you make yourself visible and make eye contact with your guests, they will let you know if you need something. I hate it when I'm out for lunch with a business colleague, or a friend, or dinner with someone, and we're trying to have a conversation, and the waiter/waitress keeps coming by the table and interrupts us (or talks over us) to ask if everything's all right. You want to be there to take care of things, but you don't have to interrupt constantly, mindlessly, every time you're tableside to take a reading. Stay visible, circulate, make eye contact.

  4. Pick a restaurant to work for that has food that YOU would want to eat.    If you bring the wrong thing to the table you don't get a tip.  If you are employed in a donut shoppe and cant differentiate the jelly donuts from the frosted maple ones because you cant read,  the customer is going to be mad.

    If he's mad, there isn't going to be a tip!  A food server has to know the names of the foods on the menu.

  5. Write down the order. Repeat the order back while pointing to menu if it's close to you. Check your own plates before they are run, kitchens sometimes forget special instructions. Keep drinks full. Shameless bribing of children always helps too. Shirley temples and stickers. Point out the cost effectiveness of bottle of wine over 1 mixed drink.

  6. Be polite and never comment about what a person asks for

  7. If you're a good waiter you will!

  8. 1. Learn to multi-task. You'll have a lot to do at once, like get your tables' orders, ring them in, get drinks, clean, run food, etc.

    2. Prioritize. Get everyone what they need in a timely manner.

    3. Be attentive, anticipate guests' needs.

    4. Be warm and friendly

    5. LEARN THE MENU! Learn what sauces / sides comes with what. Memorize ingredients. Trust me, people will ask!!

    6. Study up on your liquor / wine knowledge

    7. Grow some tough skin - some people are downright nasty! Don't let it ruin your day though, just realize that they are just miserable.

    8. Have fun. Restaurants are some of the most fun working environments there are

    9. Even if you don't like them, be cool to the bartenders, hostesses, bussers, and cooks. Make them your allies and life will be easier.

    10. Don't give up. It's overwhelming at first, but I promise you'll get the hang of it.

  9. 1. Be polite and smile

    2. Be knowledgeable about the menu, prices, specials, etc.

    3. Don't interrupt

    4. Clear plates as soon as they are emptied.

    5. Refill drinks (or ask if they want another if it's a beer or something) when they're about 3/4 empty. If they're drinking beer and don't want another ask if they would like a water or anything.

    6. After dropping food off ask if there's anything else you can get them. This is a good time for them to ask for extra dressing, side of ranch, or a drink or something.

    7. Check on them after they have taken their first bites (About 1 minute after dropping food off)

    8. Don't drop bill without them requesting it.

    These are all pretty much common knowledge. The hardest thing is doing all this when you're busy. The best thing to do to avoid getting overwhelmed by everything is to always keep a mental list with three things on it. With every step you take you should have three things that you are accomplishing. For instance "Right now I am clearing table 5's plates. when I go to drop them off at the kitchen I will grab a new coke for table 2 and after dropping off the coke i will pick up table 6's tab and run their credit card on the computer". In the process of doing these three things you will accumulate three more things that need to be done. Just keep a queue of 3 and you'll be fine.

  10. be polite, always write down your orders and repeat them back to the customer...any chance you get try to upgrade the meals or drinks so the bill will be higher...but most of all be polite :)...good luck!

    also get familiar with whatever your serving (especially food) then it will be easier for you to explain things when questions are asked...because they definitly will!

  11. yes, be really nice but not annoying. Write down what people say I hate when someone takes my order doesn't write it down & messes it up. pay attention to details. do they have silverware, napkins cause if you bring them coffee & they have no spoons they might get made if they can't stir their sugar. in summer especially bring them water right away unless you are not allowed by the restaurant. Make sure you bring rolls & plenty of butter & ask your relatives what they like or hate about going to restaurants. I like to be waited on by a person that gives me things before I ask like extra napkins but not rolls especially when i go to an all you can eat cause I can't fill up on them details, attention=tips

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