
I just got a jury summon. But I am only 19.?

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What will it be like? Will I have to make life and death decisions? Will people even listen to a kid?




  1. A jury of peers - regardless of age, race, creed, religion.  That's our judicial system and your vote counts just as much as someone who's done it dozens of times.

  2. can get any type of case if you are chosen to serve...1st you call the #, then you may have to go to court, then you may be chosen for duty...if you are, your decision with 11 others will be listened to. It sounds as if you are saying you are not bright enough to know right from wrong....don't stress you might not get past the phone call..

  3. The jury selection process is a VERY long slow and boring one.

    You are given a # and picked at random out of about 100 people. If not picked, you go home.

    If you are picked, you get to go into the courthouse and wait with about 60 other people outside of a courtroom most of the day.

    Then the 2 lawyers call you in and pick about 30 names randomly. If not picked, you go home.

    If picked, the lawyers ask you about 30 questions of their choice and for whatever reasons, they either keep you aro dismiss you (send you home).

    If you are picked, you sit on a jury most likely something minor like shoplifting or peeping and listen to a soap opera-type drama of he said she said for a few days.

    The 12 of you come to a decision of guilt or innocence and the judge has the ultimate say as to if the accused is guilty or innocent which makes the whole ordeal retarded and pointless.

  4. you will be bored.  who says you're just a kid?  at 19 your an adult...people have been making life or death decisions for years younger than you!  really though it can be kind of interesting but mostly you sit and wait and think of ways out of jury duty. tell 'em you can spot a guilty person a mile away then leer at the judge.  worked for me!

  5. Not to worry.  The jury administrators are fully aware that most of the people being called have no clue as to what they are supposed to do, and they will lead you through all of the procedure.  One thing to bear in mind (but not talk about): if you hear a case, the judge will give you instructions as to how to come to a decision.  You are free to follow these, or completely ignore them, as your sense of justice may require.

  6. It doesn't matter your age. As soon as you strike 18, you're deemed a young adult. A jury is a jury of the peers. It doesn't matter your age, race, or heritage.

    I've been summoned twice, and been excused twice. I truly don't really have the desire to go, but if I eventually have to, I have to.

  7. Once you turn 18 you are eligible for jury duty.  Mainly it's a lot of sitting around and waiting.  Sometimes your group gets picked to be a jury, but they ask you questions first.  They won't pay any attention to your age, it's more about your beliefs.

  8. The summons I have in front of me says 18 or older but excused if full time student.  

      If the lawyers like you, then you will be on the jury and the others will have to let you vote even if they don't like what you say.   Listen and make up your own mind.

  9. Attend to your jury duty and be attentive to the proceedings so that you can participate effectively in the deliberations.

  10. You should remember that it is the PEOPLE for whom the government stands. Justice is in your hands. If you feel the EVIDENCE is conclusive enough to CONVICT a person of a crime, then you may be justified in giving a guilty verdict. If this happens it will be the JUDGE who gives the sentence, so this is why you should NEVER do this. Sentencing someone to death is never the right thing to do. Ever. How does 2 deaths make 1 death right? It doesn't. It's insane. If your put into the position where the state has the right to rape our civil liberties, you should never make the decision. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, god d**n it....

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