
I just got a monroe piercing...?

by  |  earlier

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It has been 4 days and the swelling is almost down but it is still red. Could it be infected or am i messing with it too much (cleaning it too much)? I use dial soap and mouthwash and antiseptic wash. What do you think?




  1. whats a monroe piercing?!

  2. i think its infected.. because if its been swelling for 4 days.. and

    if your messing with it alot.


    go see a doctor see what he can do.

  3. my monroe stayed red for about a week and a half. just wash it 2 to 3 times a day and you should stay good.

  4. if u keep moving it aroundyou'll irritate the skin trying to heal. use salt water to clean it.

    (a monroe piercing is on the upper lip, where marilyn monroe had that beauty spot)

  5. I'm with Mikey - please tell us what a 'Monroe' piercing is lol

  6. Soak your piercing for about 10 minutes in warm sea salt water. Make sure not to put too much sea salt though. Don't put peroxide because it can irritate it. It might also be irritated by the mouth wash and the soap you are using to clean it so for now just soak it and if it doesn't get better go to your piercer or a doctor.

  7. Sorry to answer with a question,but, what is "Monroe piercing"?

  8. See...this is how I can tell I am getting older. What is a "monroe" piercing, I am really curious.

  9. ok dont use mouthwash

  10. usually if it is infected, it will feel warm to the touch.  try putting a bit of peroxide on it, and use two parts water/one part peroxide for a mouth wash.  

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