
I just got a new guinea pig today and I discovered that he has an extra toe on one of his hind legs.?

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He has four toes on both his front feet, three on one of his back ones, and four on the other back one. The toe seems swollen and smaller than the others. It also does not really seem like it's attached, but more so just hanging on by skin. I'm pretty concerned. What should I do.




  1. Haha.  let me get this straight.  You have a 4-legged animal, and three of the feet have 4 toes, and one has 3.  

    Inconceivably, you don't conclude that the foot with only 3 toes is missing one, but rather that one of the feet with 4 toes has an extra.  Amazing.

  2. It sounds like your piggie has Polydactyly.

    V.C.G. Richardson describes some cavies as Polydactyly (having an extra toe or toes) usually on the hind legs and states that this may be the result of inbreeding.

    A vet can remove the extra toe(s) to prevent tearing. One method of removal is by using a ligature (string tightly tied to cut off blood flow to the dangling toe).

    Do check this site as there is a photo of a polydactyly hind leg:

    I would recommend taking him to the vet and have it looked at.  I hope it's not hurting him!

    Good luck!

  3. I would take him to a vet. Guinea pigs are prey animals and will not show it if they are in pain,  they would be the first to get picked off by a predator so this is a survival tactic. If it is concluded it isn't bothering him then leave it be. Just make sure there is nothing in the cage that will bother it or anything it can get caught on. DO NOT under any circumstance try to pull it off as it will cause massive bleeding. And yes, piggies have 4 toes on the front feet and three on the back. Your pig does have an extra toe.

  4. to the person above me.

    Guinea pigs only have three toes on their back feet.

    If the extra "toe" doesn't seem to irritate him. Let it be. Wait it out.

    But if it does appear to irritate the little guy, take him to the vet.

    I had a guinea pig with a small growth on her foot, it was odd. But she seemed fine and it didn't irritate her so I just let it be.

  5. Your little piggy need a trip to the vet! My Tiggy-piggy had extra toes, and the vet just tied some string around them- they were only hanging on by skin too. After a couple of weeks maximum, the toe will drop off. It won't hurt your pig, and there won't be any scarring, unless he has white feet. You do need to take him to the vet though, because you don't want the toe to catch on something and rip off. That WOULD hurt!!

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