
I just got a new lovebird and it has been about 2 days and she will not eat?

by  |  earlier

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I put lovebird seed in the cage, and water, in a bowl and in one of the bottles. I also added a spray millet, which i saw her take a few bites out of. I did see her eat about 2 seeds but that is it and i havent seen her drink any of the water.. i also offered a piece of water melon, some baby spinach, and a small chunch of mozzerella.. she didnt touch them so i took them out in a few hours. What should i do?




  1. Is she pooping?  She could be sneaking food and water when you're not looking.  If you keep watching her like a hawk she isn't going to want to move...think about it.  

    Just go about your day as usual, check in on her very couple of hours to talk to her softly.  She just has to get used to her new surroundings, your family, the sounds and lack of the calls from other birds she would have been communicating with at the pet store.  You saw her eat the millet, so make sure to keep some of that in's not the best diet, but it's something and for now it's ok.  

    Did you ask the pet store what she's used to eating?  Get the same mix she was on there, and find out if they ever offered her fresh foods and what her favorites are.  Most pet stores don't bother with feeding the birds fresh foods, so she might not be interested in them because she doesn't know they're food.  Having something completely foreign to her in the cage, even if it's food, could stress her out further.  Try to make things as much as what she's used to as possible until she gets used to you...then start introducing the good stuff.

  2. since she's a new bird she is probably a lil freaked out to b in a new enviorment but don't worry she gonna start eating more soon  =)

  3. Well if its a new lovebird he just might be nervous about being in a new situation. Think about it you just came from store and not your in this weird place with no other birds to talk to:) Shes just a little stressed but she will calm down in the next day or two. Just keep offering her food and fresh water as well as fresh food and im sure she will be fine. Just let her be. Also when you said you only took a bit of seed I hope you werent just offering her seed. Pellets mixed with a small amount of seed or pellets offered as her main diet and seeds given as a treat would be fine but a diet of just seeds will be lethal. No cheese either. The lactose in mozzerella or any dairy product in very poorly digested by birds. Offer bits of cuttle bone, or high calcium veggies and fruits instead. If your very worrie dabout the whole situation make an appointment with your avian vet. It might not be something on the outsie but on the inside.

    If you need any more hlp please contact me:)

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