
I just got a new notebook and I don't know what I should write in it =(?

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Yeah, a thick one! I can write anything in it, but I cant think of any... I'm just your average 13 year old girl :) Any suggestions? It needs to be something interesting so I can have the guts to finish the whole notebook. Thanks in advance! ^o^




  1. You could use your notebook as a diary and write about your day every time something interesting happened, you can even draw in it to go along with what happened.

    Or... You could use it just for drawing pictures and you could make your own comics!

    Hints: Don't write on every other line. Or even everyother page!

  2. If you ask me, you should write anything that like very much. E.g.:     Favorite  movie, games, artist, best friend but if you are a nerd means write your own short notes about your subject. Good Luck!!!!!

  3. Hmm..  maybe write some goals or promises to yourself.  Then, some (possible?) rewards you'll get should you attain these goals.

    Maybe write a story about how you want to live your life.  How your life will turn out.  Or even write a story based on what has happened?

    I like the idea of sharing your dreams with the notebook though.  By dreams, I meant your ambitions and such...  although actual dreams you get while sleeping aren't a bad idea either.  :P

  4. Just keep writing over and over again...I love McFarty!

  5. Write a story, about a person named Aliguaka who goes an adventure to argintina to steal the argintina ruby of party explosions. And on the way he/she meets a boy named danny who is half man and half unicycle. Its gold! pure gold! remember to mention me when it gets published.

    OR you could write feelings and c**p.....i prefer the top one. lol

  6. you could use it as a juornal surely you can use all the pages in it

  7. its your notebook. write whatever you feel like writing in it.

  8. Just an idea... start by making a list of things you would like to do or try or just goals you have.  Then, fill the rest up by writing about when you complete the various things you listed.

  9. Write a daily journal... all the events that happen every day... it is fun to look back over the things you write! :)

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