
I just got a pair of ice hockey skates and when I used them the stuck in the ice.why? and do I need to sharpen

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  1. Any new pair of skates should be sharpened. The skates should grip the ice, but not get stuck in the ice. I'd suggest taking them to your local pro shop to ask them what could possibly be wrong.

  2. I would look try using ski poles until they stopped sticking.

  3. you should get them sharpened every once in awhile to make sure they keep doing what they're supposed to. they shouldn't be getting stuck either. so that might be the problem. hockey skates are made to slice through the ice. not glide on top like figure skates.

  4. It's always best to get new skates sharpened.  Even if they're used, but "new" to you, who knows when the last time the previous owner sharpened them or how the blades were treated/cared for.  New skates usually do not come with sharpened blades and they should be sharpened before usage.  If they weren't sharpened, you probably slid around like Bambi on ice and had a hard time keeping your feet under you.  

    Once you get your blades sharpened, you'll probably "stick" to the ice better and feel that you have more control.  When you're done using your skates, be sure to wipe the blades down and try to get off as much moisture as possible.  Don't store the blades with plastic guards on.  They could rust even just overnight!  Get a pair of "soakers" or soft terry cloth guards to protect your blades while they're being stored.  Only use plastic guards for walking off-ice.  Also to prevent smells and further possibility of rust on your blades, let your skates dry out when you're not using them without your soakers on so the inside and blades can completely dry out.

    Good luck! :)

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