
I just got a pet rat, and he has a noseblead any ideas on why?

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i just got a new pet rat, he is medium sized, and had been at the pet store a while, I just held him for the first time today, and he has had 2-3 nosbleads, any ideas on why this is happening? or how i can prevent it?




  1. hi there, I'm not sure why this would be happening, but it's not normal. I used to have a pet rat. I'd call the pet store and ask them about it and if they have no idea then take him to the vet.

  2. Rat's mucas color is red, I highly doubt its a nosebleed. He may be stressed, I usually let my rats get used to the cage for a day and then hold them and rub them under their ears and let them sleep on me.

  3. ok its not a nose bleed!! it is liquid that comes out of a rats nose when it is new to an inviornment! it will clear up soon

  4. It's probably not a nosebleed, but rather porphyrin. A rats tears have a red pigment in them called porphyrin and it's normal to see a little on occasion. However, if you are seeing a lot around the eyes and nose, it's an indicator of stress or illness and the rat should be taken to a small animal vet to get checked over.

    Please get your rat a same s*x friend! Rats are highly social animals that live in groups in the wild, it's downright cruel to keep them alone.

  5. well, maybe the eye infection affeted with the nose. not big problems, will go away

  6. Oh thats normal it means your hamster is healthy dont worry its not blood i forget what its called : / sorry.....but its okay

    Good luck your rat Hope I helped!

  7. Brownish red discharge that comes from a rat's eyes and nose is called porphyrin and in small amounts it is normal.  Rats naturally have red mucus, so sometimes when they wake up from a nap you will notice it around their eyes just as humans' eyes can get 'crusties'.  A normal, healthy rat should not have very much porphyrin; usually it is a result of stress, bad bedding, or illness (generally respiratory illness).

    Has anything happened to her or in your house lately that may have caused her stress?  If her cage was moved, you got a new family member or new pet, or anything that may be causing her stress, you will notice the porphyrin but she will seem otherwise normal.  She will probably get used to whatever is new and calm down eventually if this is the case.

    If you are using pine or cedar bedding it can cause irritation in the lungs because of aromatic oils it produces.  Sometimes this can cause respiratory infections and sometimes it can just be irritating.  If you are using one of these wood chips switch to something non-irritating like aspen wood, Carefresh, or Yesterday's News.

    If you notice increased sneezing, any wheezing, rattling in the lungs, listlessness, or blue tinge to the nose and feet, she may be in respiratory distress.  Rats are very prone to respiratory infections, especially older rats, and they can usually be treated easily with a course of antibiotics.

    It could also be due to her older age.  Though 1.5 years isn't THAT old, coming from a lab she probably wasn't bred for longevity and if she was living in overcrowded conditions or had a lot of stress as a younger rat she may not make it to 2.  Older rats have more health problems as their immune systems begin to decline and are more susceptible to respiratory infections and stress.

    If she seems otherwise fine, I wouldn't worry about it.  Porphyrin isn't usually a bad sign on its own, only coupled with other signs of illness.

    I hope that answers your question, good luck with your rat!

  8. read the answers to this question its most likely the same thing :);...

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