
I just got a puppy. Any advice?

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I just need some advice so my parents think I'm responsible for the puppy, I also want my 2 older brothers to be proud of me...




  1. Get a cage. It works. You are going to feel bad at first but believe me I did not get on at first and it was horrible. They really listen when they are caged in-it gives them control.

    Get treats to train them with and take him/her out for walks about 6-8 times a day. Because they are young they really can't hold there bladder.

    get a lot of chew toys. They love to chew being that they are teething. If they know from the beginning what is theres it will  get alot better as they get older when it comes to chewing.

    I would not give them any human food. First it is not good for them (especially spices ) No chocolate its like poison to dogs and cheese-they are lactose intolerant ( not pretty). Second they will beg for it everytime you eat.

    Hope I Cpould help! :}

  2. you should have asked this before you brought your puppy home. my advice is to google "how to care for a new puppy" and start there. hopefully, you have a crate, food, food/water bowls, LOTS of chew toys, collar/leash, bed for inside the crate. read up on housetraining and crate training, this needs patience. it can take six months or more to completely housetrain a pup. good luck.

  3. Same answer as Schnauzer Mom.   She has it 100% right.  

    You obviously know how to use the internet....use it!   There is lots of great information out there on "bringing home a new puppy"

    Good luck!

  4. Read! Read! Read! Find a mentor.

  5. Feed, walk, play and learn all you can about obedience training and do it.  If you do all these things and treat the dog fairly (no teasing), the dog will naturally come to you as the "owner" and always want to be by your side.  That is the best evidence for all...

  6. Most importantly, take it to the vet and keep up on it's shots.  Other then that, make sure you feed it, play with it, and start training it now.  It's much easier when they are young.  The best way to train them is to teach a command, and it will take a while, but make a HUGE deal when they finally get it right.  Dogs love praise.  Good luck to you and  your new pup!

  7. congratulations. what puppy did you get? is it a male or female?

    has it had its injections if so take it for lots of walks not forgetting to take poo bags with you, always make sure it has fresh water depending on the dog the right amount of food, a clean dry bed and plenty of love and attention.

    How old are you if you don't mind me asking?  

  8. BE RESPONSIBLE. Clean up after and care for your puppy as much as possible.

  9. Well the first you should do is keep let your puppy outside and watch it let it know it's surroundings so it'll know where to poo. Play with it outside for about a hour or so. Get a puppy dish and some toys for inside. It's best not to keep it inside so much because there is a possibility it'll go poopie in the house so take it outside to do it's business. Even it poops inside clean it up as soon as possible!  Make sure you buy a pet odor remover spray. My older dog has problems digesting and sometimes she goes poops in the house so take the puppy outside walk around with it show you want to be responsible and care about the puppy. Also get a old pillow or blanket for the puppy to sleep on if you want your puppy to be outside when your not home keep it in a crate in a cool place with food and ice cold water

  10. Hi! I have a puppy, she is a four month old golden retreiver, I've had her for a month. She is a lot of work, that's for sure but I enjoy her so much! Be sure to give her/him as much attention as you can, and let her/him outside to use the bathroom as much as you can. Carry treats with you, that way when she uses the bathroom you can appraise her with a tasty treat. When she/he uses the bathroom in the house, give her/him a stern "No" and immediately take her/him outside. Be sure to give her/him lots of chew toys. My puppy loves pig ears, she'll lay there and chew for hours! Take her for walks. Maybe even let her walk around the house with a leash on, that way she gets use to having a leash on. If you are crate training her, be sure to not leave her collar on her while she in her crate, it can get caught and she may panic. I was told by my vet to not take her to puppy stores and dog parks until she is a bit older, once she's had her third round of shots, which she hasn't yet. When you take her places, try to let her use the bathroom where maybe a lot of dogs may have been, prevents parvo. Give her/him lots of love and attention!

  11. First thing to do is train your puppy to p**p and pee outside. If you don't teach him that then no one in your household will be happy.

    If other people in your family help you, you have to explain that they all help in the same way. This should start with "crate training" and taking the puppy outside to a spot you choose every 4 hours (even in the middle of the night) and within a half hour after feeding. The puppy should be fed on a strict schedule 3 times a day to start and this may take a month for the puppy to learn to do it right.  

  12. Read this article.  It's titled "BEFORE you get your puppy," but it's still very important and useful information -- a must-read for puppy-owners.  It's long, but get through it -- it gives insight on training, behavior, deadlines, etc.  This will help you to know when and how to do things with the pup, i.e. show your parents that you are RESPONSIBLE.

    Here are some more wonderful articles on puppy training:

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