
I just got a puppy he is 7 weeks old an he is peeing an pooping in my house how do i get him 2 tell me ?

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that he has too go outside..... is there something i am doing wrong!!!! I Have never had a dog or puppy just cat....




  1. a 7 week old puppy is the equivalent of an infant.  Dogs do not know that making inside is incorrect so the way to teach them is to set him up for success.  First he should be crated at night or placed in a gated area with the floor completely covered with wee wee pads to avoid wetting the floor.  Take your dog out the minute he wakes up (carry him out of necessary to avoid an accident enroute).   take him out 15 minutes after eating, immediately after playing, immediately upon waking up from naps  .  These the times dogs are most likely to go.  Say a phrase when he is doing his business such as "Get Busy" and then praise him when he does it in the correct place.  Ignore him when he doesn't.   If you catch  him in the act inside.. don't yell or physically punish (that will make him just do it in a hidden place)  Make a sound like yip yip loudly to distract him, scoop him up and bring him outside and say "get busy" .   You might want to consider setting the alarm for 4 hrs after he goes to sleep while he is this young to have him do a quick pee in the night...   and lookd for signs like sniffing the floor and starting to circle.    It takes time and patience.    Most dogs aren't fully housebroken until they've not had an accident for about 6 months.  so you have a lot of time ahead of you.

  2. your not suppose to have a 7 week old puppy its too young...and what do you expect he cant tell you wen he needs to pee or poo hes still a puppy potty train him ...and after meals your suppose to bring him outside fora walk

  3. I just got a puppy myself. Dallas and his litter were abandoned around 4 weeks old, and I got him when was 6 wks old. Still very much too young to be away from Mom. The best thing to do is what everyone else has suggested... take him out after every nap, playtime, drink of water, and meal time. Make sure to take him to the same spot EVERY time you take him outside, he will soon learn this is the bathroom. He is a baby, he will make accidents inside. If you catch him going potty inside, say No, then immediately take him out to the potty area outside. I have had my Dallas for two weeks now and he hasn't made a mistake inside. I have him a strict feeding,play time, nap time, and potty schedule and he is already scratching at the back door to be let out every time.

    Good luck! Each pup is different.  

  4. Hi there,  Take him out after #1. after he wakes up form a nap or in the morning. #2.  after he's been playing. and #3.  after he eats or drinks.  Then have patience.  Say no if you catch him and then go outside with him, praise him each time he does his business outside.  Remember these three rules and things should go well and remember he's only a little baby.  God bless.

  5. He is ONLY 7 weeks old! Give him a break he is just a little baby!  Make sure you take him out constantly! About every half hour to make sure he doesn't get used to peeing/pooping in the house.  The second he is done eating and when he wakes up is a guaranteed time he will need to go.  Like i said 7 weeks is extremely young most breeders wont even let their puppies go that young (and rightfully so) Just keep a constant eye on him and be consistent with his pottying. Good luck.

  6. Take him out when he wakes up, after he eats lunch and dinner.  Oh and take him out often as you can and exercise him..this way he learns not to take boo boo inside the house.  Also, give him treats when he does go potty outside.  Keep repeating this process until he is use to it.  Good luck.

  7. Unfortunately puppies are not like kittens. They don't come housebroken. It's going to take a few weeks if not months. At 7 weeks he should still be with his mother so it may take a little longer.

    I always crate train my puppies. It's usually the quickest and most effective method. A lot of it depends on how hard you work at it. If you work hard it maybe done in a few weeks. If you are lax he may never be trained. I will add a good link on crate training in the source box for you.

  8. You just got to make sure that every fifteen minutes after he eats or drinks that you let him out, and you show him. When he pees or poops you tell him bad dog, and then take him outside, so he knows that is where he is suppose to go and after a little bit, he'll whine to tell you he needs out.  

  9. you have to take him out 20 times a day almost literally, when he goes pee or poo make sure you let him know you are happy about that, give him a treat and a nice petting, it will take a few times (like a week or so) but eventually he will catch on that going outside makes you happy.

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