
I just got a russian dwarf hammy, and I have some questions.

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1) How often should I put it in a ball to run? How long?

2) Can I put a cage with another hamster next to my hammy's cage to meet. (Not in same cage) Other hammy is a robo dwarf.

3)What if it won't go in its wheel or can't find it. (Cuz the wheel I have is attached to the top of the cage, Crittertrail X)

4) When will it start moving around instead of staying under that slide forever?!

5) How much food is it supposed to eat.

6) The petstore says that my hammy is young, but it slept a lot when I first got it, comments?

This is a pix that is similar to my hammy, actually my hamster's name is Kanna.




  1. morgans pretty much got everything covered but let me add some more stuff:

    1. make sure u watch the hamster while its in its ball because somet imes their feet/nails can get stuck in the little venting slatty things

    2. Yes you can, be careful because different species can fight and putting the cages next to eachother can cause stress

    3. If its been a week and kanna still cant find it (which i doubt) put VERY small trail of treats up to or near the wheel

    4Kanna's stressed out. Leave her a lone how would you like it if a stranger kept looking at you through your window?! Keep the room your keeping her in low key and don't disturb her that much, let her get familiar with her surroundings both inside and out

    5. If you fill it to the top, dont expect her to eat all of it. In about a month you can sorta see how much she eats a day and estimate how much to put in the bowl. make sure youre not underfeeding her. if her foods all gone and you dont see her hoarding that much, then add a little more food. also provide veggies ( should be a good place to look) and remember: dwarfs are diabetic so sugary treats from the petstore and a big piece of apple is a nono

    6. read number 4

  2. 1) try to limit ball time its good for like 10 minutes at a time being trapped in a ball with no food or water and no means of escape could stress a hamster

    2) maybe for a second. dwarf hamsters can live together but if they havent been introduced at a young age this might not be a good idea

    3) hamsters explore alot, and i mean like every corner of its cage. dont worry it will find it

    4) give it some time it may be getting used to its environment and having a new person watching over it. plus theres alot you may not see while youre sleeping. they are nocturnal you know

    5)the package should say. and it really depends on the type of food. if its mixed food try just like a tablespoon. think of how small a hamsters stomach is

    6)this has nothing to do with age. infact if its young it might sleep more they need rest to grow and develope

    she looks very cute.

    good luck with her!

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