
I just got a speed ticket 81 from 65 zone,suffer from medical condtion can be excuse?

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Hi, I just got a speed ticket 81 from 65 zone in the Hwy 101 in San Refael, CA. I just got lupron shot from hospital 14 hours before got a ticket, the doctor warning this shot can cost headache, hot flash, emotional, headache, etc. do I get excuse from medical conditiion when I go to traffic Courtroom? I have been got a speed ticket a year earlier but went to traffic school and no point from it (first time ticket), otherwise my traffic record is clean, this's second time for the speed ticket * I do not have other traffic ticket*

should I go to traffic lawyer ?

thank you.




  1. I think you will get the ticket anyways, because the court will determine that if you took that drug, you probably shouldn't have been driving in the first place.

  2. thats bull. u knew what the speed limit was! Lucky u didnt get a DUI!

  3. If I was a judge, I might excuse the ticket - but only if I suspend your driver's license too.

    The traffic lawyer might be able to help if he can find a technicality.  Here in NYC the traffic lawyers just help delay the verdict so you don't get overlapping points (that result in driver's license suspension or insurance rate hike).

    Good Luck...

  4. well you shouldn't have been driving if an Emergency room gave you drugs, if they didn't tell you that then you may have a case against the ER...

    the fact that you knew the causes and still choose to drive...

  5. I am SO sorry for all the rude responses you received. Unfortunately, cops & judges are insensitive & cruel.

    Something similar to this happened to me, & the cop was very rude, & he asked me, "Do you want to go to the hospital for driving under the influence!?" I was like, "Wow! I never knew being on meds & driving is [driving under the influence].

  6. If you cry meds they might take away your licence. You would be smart to just pay the thing and be done with it.

  7. I don't think using the 'shot' is a good excuse for your speeding. You've already mentioned a previous speeding incident in which you were excused. If the ticket is waved this time, consider yourself VERY lucky.

    There's a good chance the judge might strongly reprimand you for your speeding offence, and he/she just might not excuse you this time, saying that the lupron shot is no excuse. If you knew the side-effects of this medication, YOU are responsible to make the decision as to whether to drive or not drive. The question may be asked, "if you knew of the side-effects, WHY did you drive"????

    Sorry, but I think you deserve to be convicted this time. Speeding not only is against the law, but it's dangerous. Speed limit signs are posted for a reason.

  8. I think, like most others have said, the medical thing may do more harm than good as a defense. However, this question is not really posted in the right section. If you post this same question in the Law Enforcement & Police section of the Politics and Government category, there are a few attorneys and cops that frequent that category who have probably seem this scenario a lot of times.

  9. Suck it up and pay, why be a sook about it. It was'nt the drug that gave you a heavy right foot. you got busted 16  clicks over the limit.

  10. You got caught.  Try to play with a Judge and you might get a huge surprise, attorney or not.  It will take them 30 seconds to revoke your license if they even "hear" a medical condition introduced at the hearing.  


  11. Your lucky that you did not get a ticket for driving under the influence of drugs.

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