
I just got a speeding ticket - how do i get the points of my driving record - can i do online traffic school ?

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need to get rid of my ticket - any ideas about trafficschool or something??




  1. It depends on where you live, and who issued the ticket (state or local police)

    Many times, you can just go into court and contest the ticket, and all you'd have to do is pay the fine with zero or limited points on your licence.

    As for online traffic school, I know that doesn't count for anything here in Michigan. You'll have to talk with your county sheriff, Secretary of State, or Department of Motor Vehicles regarding scheduling traffic school.

  2. Depending on the severity of the ticket, you can probably get the points dismissed - check to see if you are eligible for traffic school - they are court approved.- enter in the coupon COURT20 and the course is pretty reasonable.

    Good luck.

  3. Im sure the laws vary by state but in CA you will get information sent to you in the mail. You can either try to contest it which normally always will get you a reduced fine or just pay the fine. Either way if you have not done traffic school in the last 18 months you will have the oppurtunity to do it. If you do go to traffic school you will not have any points on your driving record. If you do get another ticket within the next 18 months you wont be able to go to traffic school to get the points removed.

    Do traffic school.  It will save you money from Insurance in the long run. I did mine online and you can literally complete it in one day and it costs around $40. Once you complete it you get a certificate and send in to the courts. Also, just to do traffic school the courts will also charge you an additional fee on top of the original fine.

  4. The best thing to do is go to court and talk with the judge that will handle your case and ask him or her for defensive driving because he or she will be the one that will decide if you can take the course.

  5. take the traffic school it will keep the point off your record if it is your first  speeding ticket ,if you have received a speeding ticket  within the past 18 months traffic school will not help you out you are stuck with a point on your license

  6. You need to go and contest your ticket. You get a court date and you go and see the district attorney. Just for contesting it you 85% of the time get your sentence reduced by half. It is impossible to get all points removed.

  7. to get rid of the points, online traffic school worked for me!!!

    granted, it costs more money than contesting it, but as in my case, i was a) too lazy to go contest my ticket and b) if the state trooper had shown up, i woulda been in big trouble because i WAS going almost 20 miles over the speed limit...

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