
I just got a tattoo last night... and I'm not satisfied. What should I do? (See Pics!!)?

by Guest45219  |  earlier

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I wanted a robot. with a pink bow..behind my ear.

Something completely different!

My own design!


I drew it out for my "artist" and he made the stencil.

He then put it on my skin and I loved it.

However.. It's like he didn't trace the lines at all.

I don't know what to do.

He's tattooed a lot of my friends.

and all of theirs are great..

Here is my stencil: =]

Here is my permanent life mark: =[

OMG! Look at her glasses.

It looks like she got punched =[

Notice her bow.

He completely left out the top part of her head =[

Look at her feet.

They aren't even.

Her antennas aren't the same.

The heart is ugly.

Ugh! Pisses me off.

What Should I Do?!!

He guarantees all of his work..

As far as color and touch ups.

But IDK..

what his policy is on him sucking so bad =[




  1. It looks good to me.  If you don't like it then look at it this way, atleast you can't see it.

  2. Ouch!! sorry!! I stay away from tattoos cuz the turnout........ anyway, try wearing your hair down, or look for a sort of crwam that will fade it a little so its not so obvious. Also, if you want to cover it up, a good foundation will easily do that. Hope it helps!! good luck!!

  3. well.....

    im still learning how to do tattoos

    1st no offence but yr design i wouldnt bother with lol but hey its yrs not mine

    2nd its been done badly really badly

    how long has he been doin them 4 ?

  4. i think its still really cute!!  

    just go in and tell him about it and discuss what he can do.

  5. Call him let him know your concerns he will probably ask you to let it heal a bit more and then look at it.  It looks fine to me maybe it needs some touch up.  

  6. Try going back to him. and see what you or he can do.

    The stencil is really cute tho!

  7. At this point I'm not sure you have many options. I definitely would not allow this same person to try and fix this, he may end up making it worse.

    You can alway have laser tattoo removal done, however this is very expensive.

    Your best bet for now is just to leave your hair down!

    Good Luck!

  8. I don't think it looks bad. If you don't tell anyone its screwed up, they won't know.

    But, you aren't satisfied. I would let him know. I would ask for a refund or partial refund.

    I would not let him touch it up. You were not happy with him the first time-- no way I'd let him fix it. This isn't hair- it doesn't grow out.

    Seriously, though, had you not pointed at the mistakes, I would have thought that was how you wanted the tatt to look.

    Btw, really smart to get a tattoo where your hair covers it. I wish I'd thought of that.  

  9. Ohmi! I hope you didn't pay him! That is horrible I would go back for a refund and then if he give you a hard time pitch a fit and tell him that you are going to spread the bad publicity everywhere. Then find a new artist that might be able to help.

  10. i think it looks cute and most people arent going to know wut the original stencil looked like - but obviously its ur body and ur tattoo so if your not satisfied i would definately go back.

  11. Personally I think it is a really really cute tattoo.  I do like the drawing of it better.  Just call him up and see what he can do....OR call another place and see what they can do, if you don't wanna go back to that guy.

  12. at the risk of being rude- i like his better- more cartoon like!! just pop back hen its healed and have him touch it up- but please remember you chose one of the hardest parts of the body for him- the skin behind your ears is very thick and moves a lot- so dont expect perfectly straight lines there from any one!!

  13. idk live with it

    i like it .. the flaws look idk ight.. i just like tattoos like that..

    nothing really u can do

    ask for your money back but idk

  14. I was disapointed with the work an artist did on the back of my neck. so i called and spoke to the owner of the shop and the artist and they had me come back in and they touched it up for me and i was very satisfied. Yours just looks like the lines need to be re-traced neater. if you are disatisfied i don't think the artist will have a problem fixing it.

  15. You have to call and talk to whoever did the work.    

  16. I can see what your talking about, but honestly if you saw the tattoo without the stencil I don' think you would really notice any difference.  If your that unhappy I would suggest going back and speaking with the artist and owner of the shop.  Typically they are really good about fixing things.  If your completely worried about going back to him (which I can't say I blame you) I would visit another shop or atleast speak with another shop.  Granted another shop is going to charge you but to be put at ease it is worth the money.  Good Luck. (It is still super cute even with the mess ups)

  17. I would go back to the artist and talk to him. They are usually more than willing to make things right. But if you can't get it just right, I wouldn't worry about it. Unless you show the stencil nobody will ever know any different.

  18. Might I suggest you get it removed. Then tell the tattoo artist to do it again and do it right or you will sew!

  19. hmmm that sucks.... did you say anything after he was done? i would go back up there because you paid for it and its on your body he should fix it or do something... it doesnt look super bad or anything but i would be mad too  

  20. Ooo. that does kinda suck. If you really hate it that much, you can have it removed. But that is very painful, and is a lot of money. First though, I would talk to that guy - he totally ripped you off!

  21. mmk

  22. it doesn't look to bad though, well done on the originality! i only noticed that the eyes look funny, im sure that you can have it covered up some how, one of my friends dads had a devil on their arm when they where young and hated it, so they got it covered with a dark tribal pattern, im sure you can cover it up:)

  23. I honestly think its cute! I dont think people are going to try and point out whats wrong with it :)

    answer mine please;...

  24. maybe if you go have it filled in with a light color it'll fix it up a lot but i see where you're coming from it looked a lot better on the stencile

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