
I just got acuvue contacts, and I can't tell if I am putting them in backwards, where is the 123 indicator?

by  |  earlier

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Upon looking at the lenses, I see 2 vertical dashes on the lenses but they are just that, dashes, I have looked at the top rim of the contacts, the middle even the very center of the lens and cannot find the 123 indicator.. So where is it and what color is it?




  1. The 123 indicator should be on the outside edge.  Usually holding them up to the light and rotating them around should show you the numbers.  If not, make sure all of the edges point up, like a perfect bowl.  That's the correct way.  If the V out then it's backwards.  If you put your contacts in backwards, it will feel like you have something in your eye, like an eyelash.  You can just flip it.

  2. The 123 is around the edge of the contacts. I normally just look at the shape of the contacts, which gets easier as you get used to it. My eye doctor said for it to look like a bowl shape. If it kind of points outward and has an edge coming out if it, its the wrong way. It will feel weird and look weird if its in wrong. Just practice turning the contact both ways and seeing the difference. Soon it will be very easy!

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