
I just got an baby savannah monitor and all it does is sleep?

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its eaten 5 crickets since i got it 3 days ago and i wondered if it was normal for it to sleep alot




  1. It is stressful for any reptile to move into a new home.  Give him a week or two alone to adjust and settle in.  Just make sure you have correct temps, humidity and lighting.  Don't forget to have him checked for intestinal parasites by an experienced reptile vet.

  2. its not used to its new home give him some time

  3. I had a savanna monitor for a while (left him with the in laws, they let him get cold and he caught phenomena and died :(). They are known to be a kinda big lazy lizard. Since your monitor is a baby, sleeping should be normal...all babys sleep a lot. As long as he is eating normally, and drinking plenty of water, it should be fine. If you are really concerned, it may be a good idea to call the pet store you got him from and ask them.

  4. they are known to be lazy ,so your're right just put live worms and crickets in there and heat up the tank so it  is humid and get it an automatic mister for comfort. Check out   for some assesories and supplies

  5. dont buy from turtlesale they dont treat their turtles very well so i try  not to support them... but baby savs are very lazy they dont really do much until they become juveniles but even then they will only get excited when they eat.  yours should be fine just make sure it has food and water readily available and your good to go.  good choice on a pet btw

  6. you have to give it time to  ajust  to its new surroundings you cant hold him or anything he wont eat as much or eat at all

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