
I just got an x-ray and my pinkie toe is broken. Will it get worse by running on it?

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preseason training camp starts in 3 weeks, and i've been training so hard all summer it would be terrible to me to rest or cross train now. i've been running and lifting on it for a week and a half on it as the pain isn't too terrible. So, can I keep on doing workouts, 5x week and then rest it the rest of the day? Will I make it worse by doing this? Will it take longer to heal by doing this?




  1. I'm pretty sure you'll be fine.

  2. i've broken two toes and didn't really do anything to protect them while playing(i play soccer and volleyball). One of them, the middle tow on my left foot is really deformed and looks like the swelling never went down but doesn't hurt. my pinky toe didn't really have any problems at all. just be sure to monitor it for any changes showing that it is getting work or infected. be sure to ice it and you might could try using sport tape to support it if it keeps bothering you. good luck!

  3. You should make an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon (aka sports medicine doctor) asap. They'll tell you if you have to stay off it, avoid certain activities etc. You can even ask for a specific recovery plan- be sure to tell them about training camp and your workout schedule. Call right away though and emphasize that you are in pain- these type of docs can take up to a week to get in (if it takes longer than that, find a different doc). In the meantime remember- if you feel pain, that means you are damaging the toe and extending the healing process. You just have to decide if that is worth it or not- sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't! Whatever you do, don't take pain medicine before a workout- if you do that you will forfeit your ability to assess and control the amount of damage you are doing to the toe.

  4. It will slow down healing if you run on it. From someone who has broken many toes during dancing years, and continued to dance on will slow down healing but generally speaking there is not much you can do for broke toes anyways, they just heal themselves.  Maybe tape it to your other toe for stabilization.  Good rule of thumb: stop if the pain is unbearable, you may do further damage.  If you can handle the pain with advil or tylenol then do what you can.

  5. It willl take longer to heal, but if you really think you'll be okay running on it for that week, tape it up with athletic tape or buddy tape it, then ice it at night and after the practice. You said it's a camp, I'm not sure whether you mean a day camp or overnight one, but if it's an overnight one, get some of those breakable ice packs that you squeeze, and they get cold. Make sure you rest it for these 3 weeks before camp and hopefully it will be almost healed. Good Luck :)

  6. Definitely. I get your determination, but it's not going to heal properly if you don't stay off of it.

  7. YES, dont run on it, dont run on it, dont run on itttt!!! I broke my pinkie toe 2 and i was going to bball camp the next week.  I went for the first day, i came home and i couldnt even stand on it it hurt soo bad.  It dosent hurt in ur shoe but when u get back from ur run u WILL feel the effects.  Go ahead and run on it if u dont have to do anything that night.  Just be careful, and it probaly will take longer to heal.

  8. I'm pretty sure it'll slow the healing process down.

  9. yeahh it would prob. mess your pinky toe up a bit but i think i would prob. do it you don't want all that hard work to go to rest!! just call up ur doctor and ask him what he thinks

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