
I just got another rat...?

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she is a friend for my other, October. The new one is named Luna. What should i do before putting them together?




  1. put them in an invironment that doesnt have your first rats smell on it like a bathtub.then put them both in there and dont worry if one of them looks like it might be hurting the other.or if one of them skweaks,they are not hurting each other.put them in there each day for at least 20 min a day. then put them in the same cage when you think they are ready to be in the same cage.hope this helps

  2. now get a cat.

  3. introducing new ratscan go either way

    good-they get along and act like sisters

    or can go bad -and fight badly

    this can be achived by putin them in two seperate cages and put them next to each other and see what would happen there

  4. make sure the new one has a place to stay that ISN'T with October. and when they first met, make sure it's a place where neither have been. that way neither of them think of it has they'rrre house. if it's in either's "house". the one that lives there will get very defensive and may hurt the other. but if you do it in a place where neither have been, it should be okay. have them meet for about, 15-20 minutes. keep a very, ery close eye on them. don't leave them. they will sniff eachother, and probably scratch at eachother a few times. but that's fine. also, alittle rough house is okay as long s neither is squeak. but make sure you know rough housing between hurting one another. if one is squeaking, but no harm is being done. take it away for 5 minutes then put it back with the one. just means it was cranky. but if one is squeaking, and you see them rough housing, tak them away for a few hours, try it again. make sure yo do it slow. mayb give them some things to play on, or things to explore. so they're not so focused on one another, but other things. yet still know the other rat is there. if they get along good after about, 5-10 times within 5 days, make sure you completly clean Octobers cage, NO soap. just water and a rag. wash the food and water dish, and put in clean begging. put them both in there at the same time, they should do fine. :]

  5. I used to breed rats so I know alot about them. Female rats to put them together for the first time keep them in separate cages for a few days but keep them next to each other so they get used to each other. Also let them run around occasionally together to get to know one another. With younger rats it should be no problem but try to do the same to make sure they don't fight. Also do the same with males the females will do just about the same as males so do the same.

  6. PLEASE read this before you do anything. Hopefully you don't have them in the same room yet, as you should always quarantine a new rat for at least 3 weeks before even putting them in the same room. A new rat may have illnesses you don't notice that won't appear, and 3 weeks is usually a good amount of time to give any illnesses a chance to appear so you can treat them. If you put a new rat in immediately, it may pass an illness to your other rat, and then you'll have two sick rats and double the vet bill.

    This guide has EVERYTHING you need to know about introducing new rats. :]

    You should also think about joining the forum, there are tons of knowledgeable people there who can help you when you have any questions about your rats that you can't find on google or in a book. :]

    & good job getting a friend for October! Rats always do better with friends.

  7. Read this guide, the website is written by very experienced rat owners and I urge you to follow their advice.

  8. Normally introducing female rats to newcomers, even as adults, is

    fairly easy - although adults will usually have to fight to establish

    a hierarchy before they settle down.  However, some females are very

    dominant and may attack very young newcomers so aggressively that the

    baby is unable to cope with it and is traumatized, injured or worse.

    This is very rare, but is probably most likely to occur with older

    females which are not used to companionship.  It is still important

    that they get a companion wherever possible, but it may take a little

    extra effort on the part of the owner for it to work.

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