
I just got back from a 6 day cruise, I feel really lightheaded and dizzy could this be some form of sickness?

by Guest58654  |  earlier

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I have been back now for 4 days and I only feel lightheaded when I and sitting very still. I felt like this on day 1 of the cruise.




  1. It is probably motion sickness. If you have an over sensitive inner ear like me that's it. Sometimes it will take a few days to sort things out.

  2. It's very normal.  Getting your land legs back is often difficult for people.  I've come back from cruises and felt like I was rocking for 2 weeks afterwards.  Enjoy it-  and pretend like your still on the ship!  I do!!!

  3. Dehydration can make you feel dizzy and lightheaded. Be sure to drink plenty of water and maybe some sports drinks to ensure your electrolytes aren't depleted.

  4. I had a similar experience after returning from my cruise, my symptoms were worse though. It's motion sickness. The best thing to do is to continue taking the motion sickness meds for a few days. If you have the meclizine (OTC bonine) try that, my doctor recommended I take it every 8 hours. After taking it for two days I was better.

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