
I just got back from camp?

by  |  earlier

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and I got 2 girls pregnant! TWO GIRLS. I don't know what to do! I'm only 13.




  1. dude u shouldnt be having s*x at 13! u man w***e

  2. thats a tough one just be strong u can get through it and next time think twice before doing it. good luck

  3. well that was a bad thing to do but how old r these girls your going to find a way to tell your parents


  5. why are you having s*x that early? your willy isnt even fully extended yet. i dont even see how you could accomplish it.

    jesus what is the world coming to

  6. If your a liar im pissed. if not then u fix the problem. Talk to them. Work out what will happen. Then.... TELL YOUR PARENTS!

  7. ok first off stay calm second (time for yelling) WAT WERE U THINKIN!!! soo wat u need to do is stay by the 2 girls sides and b there for them and ur children...ur a parent and Daddy now. U now know u made a mistake and DONT do it again! wait till marage. i wish u all the luck.

    answer my question;...

    no ones gotten it right

  8. take therapy

    get help

    u r lying aren't u

    u r dumb

  9. wth were you thinking???

    im 13 and i still have

    my virginity!!!

    i hope they both

    come after you!!

  10. Why are you having s*x at age 13? Goodness. How do you know if you got them pregnant? You should feel bad.

  11. holy $hit keep it IN YOUR PANTS!!!!!!

  12. 13?


    What were you doing? camp?

    What camp was it?

  13. omg..........why.....

  14. Three words... were they hot?

    Another thing THAT'S AWESOME,

    also YOU LAIR!!

  15. i'm guessing you've never heard of  a little thing called a condom

  16. You're stupid. Go play a video game or something instead of posting dumb things like this. Obviously you know nothing about it otherwise you would know theres no way you would know these girls are pregnant yet just getting back from camp.

  17. omg dude...for one thing ware a ******* condom as a mader of fact hears a link ...its called weather shes on birthcontrol or not you can still get stds...go on and type in syphilis , or herpies, or aids...and boy there really nothing you can do...abortions are wrong and if you let either get one just no god nos what youve done...and it sayd in the bible thalt shal not kill...both of there fathers are gunna be pissed the best you can do is come out with it and no your a dad of 2 kids and do your responisiblity

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