
I just got braces and i was wondering wat type of food would be good to eat that would not hurt my mouth?

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please do answer this and quick i am in so much pain oh and thank you if you answer




  1. Soft foods like stew..pasta possibly.

    Liquids like soup.

    Avoid hard, crunchy and chewy foods like spareribs, chocolate (pretty sorry about that).

    However, if you're talking in terms of literally hurting your mouth, none of the above would be likely to do that. It's just the strain you feel from your teeth against the braces.

  2. braces are a real pain.

    but just becuase it hurts dones't mean you cant aet anything.

    Try soft foods such as yogurt, pudding, soft serve icecream. rice pudding, yams, cottage cheese, soup.

    Just stay away from all hard foods, candy, and gum

  3. Soft foods!

    Try applesauce, soft cheese, pudding, juices, jello, bananas, etc. Anything soft!

  4. I didn't really eat much. Blueberry yogurt was all I ate. I liked the cold. Rinse your mouth with salt water. Get rid of some of the ulcers you'll get. I heard something about hot water makes the wire loose. Or was it cold? Basically temperature can give you relief. Take a bath and stick your head under the hot water. Maybe you'll feel better. or is it cold? You should try it out. Stick your head in hot water. NOT BOILING. Warmish hotish. If that's relief then good. If it's not try cold water. I passed that point in braces so I don't really know what to tell you.

  5. Honey, you're not the only one that's in pain:) I got mine last year and they hurt like h**l when I first got them.

    Avoid hard food (Eg. Crab, apples are a no-no cos they're hard to bite, don't eat biscuits that are hard to bite too) Stick to soft food like porridge for the first 2 weeks or so till the pain subsides or when you bite and there isn't much pain left. Also, if you bite your fingernails, DON'T BITE THEM ANYMORE! If you do the caps will come off & it takes a lot of trouble to go back to the dentist.

    I hope this helps:) If the pain doesn't stop take a panadol. Normally it would subside after 2-3 days depending. It's natural for it to hurt so smile & think about those gorgeous teeth after!

  6. new braces are a great excuse to get a milkshake :D

    also good are things like apple sauce, jello, soup, soft breads without crunchy crusts, anything that doesnt need real biting.  after they stop hurting, you can pretty much eat anything, although stuff like apples or bagels you have to slice up, and a few candies are really bad.  you'll learn pretty quickly what works and what doesnt- the list from the dentist eliminates a whole lot of stuff (dorito type chips, for instance) that you can eat perfectly well, you just hvae to pay attention and be careful :)

    good luck!  

  7. Avoid crunchy or chewy stuff right now.

    Eat... Yogurt, mashed potatoes and soups.

    Anything liquid like that doesn't require a lot of chewing.

    Stay away from crunchy foods as well, those are horrible with braces, so no chips or anything x3

  8. something you can drink threw a straw ha ha jk soft foods till you get used to them it feels weird at first!

  9. i no exactly how you feel try soup and later in a few days try golden nuggets they go really soggy and are really easy to eat


  10. make jello! or pudding! or  soup! anything with a liquid consisty i  would think.

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