
I just got braces yesterday and they hurt i have been taking 2 advil every 4 hours but it doesnt help much

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I just got braces yesterday and they hurt i have been taking 2 advil every 4 hours but it doesnt help much




  1. well from experience, i can tell you that nope it will not take away all the pain!!

    make sure you dont overdose on the pills though..theres a limit to how many you can take ina day.

    just stick with the soft foods/liquids....

    its annoying. it really is. but youll get used to what the pain feels like and how to managae it.

    also, my ortho told me that after an appt sometimes it helps reduce or prevent the pain if you eat/drink something cold. this is a very good excuse to go out and get a milkshake or some soft icecream!!

  2. It's not going to much.  You had an invasive procedure done.  I remember when I got my braces my mouth and gums were sore for a couple of weeks.  The braces are designed to move your teeth back into a more "normal" position and this is going to cause you soreness and quite a bit of discomfort.  Try sucking on popsicles or pop ices, the cold will help numb your gums.  If it continues for more than a week or so I would definitely contact your orthodontist for an adjustment.

    Good Luck

  3. i had braces for 1 and 1/2 yrs and i know the pain. With braces the first week they will hurt b/c ur teeth are sore. Don't bite into anything it will only make it worse. When eating, place the food in the back of ur mouth and try eating it that way. After the first week you will be fine. Unless u get them tightened then they will hurt for one day.

  4. yeah i know the's just going to have to take some getting use to really.

    just be thankful you don't have a herbst appliance in your

  5. I got braces a year ago and it always hurts after EVER SINGLE APPOINTMENT!!!!! Just wait 3-5 days and it will die down.

  6. i had braces for 3 years, but believe me the pain doesnt last, and you get used to them being there but like she said, don't OD on pills, and if they gave you wax, use that to rid some discomfort.

  7. I so feel your pain... literally!! I just got my braces put on Monday and I am still in pain. Everyone keeps telling me it can't be that bad, but they have no idea. It was nice to see that I am not alone.

    I to tried taking advil but I didn't notice it helping at all either. The only thing I found to be helpful are chocolate milkshakes. I guess it's the coldness it kind of numbs everything. I've also been drinking a lot of cold water which does help.

    I can't wait until I can chew again! I've been living off of soup, mashed potatoes, stuffing and mac and cheese!

    Good Luck to you :)

    Just remember it will all be worth it in the end when you have an amazing smile..... no pain no gain :)

  8. I know. When I first got braces, my teeth hurt for days. Drinking Milkshakes helped my teeth. You should try it. And don't eat any hard foods.

    If you wonder what will happen if you bite down really hard..don't do it. I did and it HURT.

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