
I just got hired as a 4th grade teacher...... with no experience... should i be worried???

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a lot of teachers have told me that this is the most difficult grade level to teach.... i need some words of wisdommmm




  1. I will be graduating and getting my BA in education next year and I'm already nervous! No matter what grade, the first 2 years of teaching is supposed to be the hardest! So don't get discouraged and hang in there.

    My mom has been a 4th grade teacher for 20 years and says it is the best grade to teach! The kids are still young enough where they don't have an attitude, but yet they are old enough to be independent. I'd be glad to have fourth. You'll be fine =)

  2. Everyone needs to start somewhere!

    (my son is a fourth grader right now - it's a fun age)

    These children are so eager to learn - you will have a lot of fun with them.  They are smart enough to do things for themselves but they still rely on teachers for that extra push.  

    Lucky you - have fun being a teacher.

  3. The good news is you have all summer!!! I suggest getting your hands on the curriculum and text books asap. I'd also get a reading list from another 4th grade teacher at the school. The more prep you do now the better because the first year is rough. Research classroom management ideas and systems. Come up with how you will record grades, grade papers, and communicate with parents now. Plan out classroom decorations and bulletin boards. A difficult thing about 4th grade is that you likely are being asked to teach all subjects.

  4. Buy Harry Wong's "The First Days Of School".  

    It is a great teaching book that will help guide you through your first year.  It has everything you need to know from classroom management, to professional development, and more.

  5. Ok, here are some words of wisdom -

    No matter what grade you teach, the first two months of your first year teaching are going to be hard. There are going to be times that you're going to wonder, "Why did I become a teacher?"

    I taught second grade which is considered an "easy grade" because the kids are so young and my class drove me INSANE. They were running my classroom for me because I have ZERO class management skills.

    However, it made me stronger and your first two months are going to break you, then you're going to be remade into a good, more grounded teacher.

    Learn from your mistakes and DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT stay isolated in your classroom. Talk to other teachers, even if it's just to vent.

    When you see a teacher doing something you like (ie: controlling their class) ask them how they do it.

  6. Gloria is right.  You will have a tough time the first year, no matter the age group.  I have taught 4th grade and I didn't find it a tough age group at all.  You just need to remember that they are in that cusp of wanting some independence, but at the same time, they still want to be children.  You have to learn to read them and what they need...which will come with some experience.  One piece of advice I can give you...DO NOT let them know this is your first year teaching.  If they know that, they will see it as a weakness and you could be in trouble.  It's all about they illusion that you are in control and you know JUST what to do--even if you don't.  They need to feel that they are in the hands of a confident adult.  ALWAYS be over prepared, at least in your first year.  Once you teach for one full year, the second year will be remarkably easier.  Finally, don't be afraid to ask for help.  I'm sure you will assigned a 'mentor teacher' to help you out.  If you aren't, then ask someone to be your mentor teacher.  Best of luck!

  7. 4th graders - they're still kids -

    it's all about your behavior - be consistenet, firm yet fun and loving -

    being a teacher is like being a parent - you have to guide them in the right direction through discipline, activities...etc but have fun while you're doing all of it

    You'll be fine =)

  8. Don't worry, be excited - especially in the classroom.  Assume the authority you have been given.  As far as curriculum in a self-contained class, you will need to do a lot of planning and grading.  Try to intergrate content areas.  In KY, 4th grade is additionally responsible for writing portfolios to be state evaluated.

    In general, each year students need less one-to-one help and so 4th graders are ideal since they can work individually, in groups, and are still interested in learning.  4th graders usually have a good sense of humor and a strong sense of what is "fair".  Personally, I feel it is one of the best grades.

    As far as no experience, don't be afraid to ask for help and information you need.

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