
I just got married yesterday but today, I am just soo depressed!?

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I love my husband I really do..But right now, I am just really depressed! The wedding went by really fast..but in the end I got a really great husband...Has anyone ever been through this right after getting married...How long did it take to feel "normal" again.




  1. in time it will all go away and u will feel better

  2. I was 19 when I got married, I'm now 21. I went through something similar to this, I think my whole thing was that I was so young and I really wanted to get married, but I also wanted to go out and party with my friends still. Once I got over that and I realized that I couldnt have both, I was fine. My husband is a great man and I'm sure that you will get over this too. Nothing to worry about, everything will be fine! =]

  3. I think this must happen to a lot of girls. Planning your wedding has been your priority for  so long and you have been looking forward to it and wanting it to be perfect.

    Now after months of having something to look forward to, it is all over and done with. In a way you are experiencing a kind of loss.

    Dont worry, it is perfectly normal. now you just need to focus on the positives and find something new to look forward to....a wonderful life with your new husband, start saving and planning a holiday, buying a house, having children.

    Yes, getting married is the high point of most of our lives....but you have done it now and you can sit back and enjoy looking back on your day and the memories you made.

  4. If all went well, it could be nerves.     The  not knowing what the future holds.    I would suggest ignoring those worries,  unless there is a cause.

  5. It's kinda like that let down many of us have after Christmas, you have all this prep, so busy preparing then it's over.  Now honey get off this computer and enjoy your new hubby.

  6. What you are feeling is very normal!  Throughout the planning process you were in "high gear" ... and that mode continued throughout the ceremony because the day you have been planning and stressing for had finally arrived.  You are now coming down from that many months long "high".  

    Be kind to yourself, get plenty of rest, and don't worry or stress too much about this blue period.  It will pass.  

    Best wishes, and Congratulations!

  7. Be sure and not tell your husband this.

    Maybe you are bummed because your big day is over finally.

    Now welcome to reality ;-)

  8. it's a normal thing all of a sudden the big day you planned is over and its a little disappointing. you'll be fine give it a few weeks to go away as you start your new life with hubby.

  9. If I just got married "yesterday"  I surley wouldn't be on the d**n computer TODAY!!    I'd have him so busy attacking my body, a computer wouldn't exisit!!!

  10. Oh god yes...

    Just think, you have been planning your wedding for ages, the excitement building up and then, just like that, its over and you are married.

    It will pass, I remember feeling a bit low after, not because I was married, but because it was all over so fast and I didn't feel like I could savor the day...but then in a while you will have some great memories  and photos and you will get over it.

    Best wishes x*x

  11. You are having the blues because it is over.  All the preparation and excitement.  Now you are married.  You need to look at your future.

  12. You spent months, or even years planning your wedding day and now it's over. Time to work on your new life and marriage. Give yourself goals and meet them. You need a project, let it be your relationship.

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