
I just got mugged for the first time ever..?

by Guest63900  |  earlier

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someone say something to make me feel better =(

They took my ipod >_<




  1. My son was mugged by 3 guys on St. Patrick&#039;s Day in Seattle in 2006.  He was nearly beaten to death.  His girl friend saved him by throwing bricks at the muggers.  I would attach a picture of his face after - but no.  To throw insult to the wound(s) he had no Health Ins.  The hospital took care of him anyway : )  He is a great person my son.  I Love you Mike (he is on a vacation in Hawaii today with his girlfriend and her family)

  2. I Love You and I would never mug you.  Hugs and Kisses.

  3. They took your iPod but not your life.

  4. you should report it.

    i lost my phone once so i&#039;m assuming someone found it and took it. thefts like that happen a lot. electronics are really popular and can be easily sold. sorry that happened to you.

  5. Sorry to hear that!  That happened to me once when I was around 10 years old and I&#039;ll never forget it.  I asked my parents if I could start taking martial arts (Tae Kwan Do) so that I could learn to defend myself.  

    Several years later I became a black belt and now I no longer walk around afraid.  You might want to try a similar tactic to make yourself feel more confident walking around.

  6. aw =( i&#039;m sorry...good thing about that story is that the mugger didn&#039;t take your life...or something bigger than your ipod....

    still sucks, but its unfortunate that there are people like that in this world...

    just keep your head up =)

  7. The important thing is your

    life wasn&#039;t taken.  You can

    see the sunshine peep

    through the window, hear

    birds chirp, and see family/


    You can replace an ipod,

    but not your life.

    Also, writing about it

    can help you heal.

    So, *smile.*

  8. sorry to hear that, remember, what goes around comes around.....

  9. Sorry.  You must feel very shaken and angry.  It takes a while to get over that.

    At least you weren&#039;t hurt.  Once when I was mugged my date had his jaw broken.   I don&#039;t think they even hit him very hard.

    A few weeks later, my parents received my wallet   (without the cash) in the mail.  I hadn&#039;t told them I had been mugged.

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