
I just got my A level results is it okay to drop a subject?

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i just got my A level results and did quite badly in history, i want to drop the subject but people have said universities will not accept me with only 2 full A levels even if i take on another AS. what should i do?




  1. Most universities require three A levels or more. However; a lot of universities will waver this on results day if your other two A Levels are adequate.

    Your best option would be to phone any universities you are hoping to attend and ask them if two strong A Levels will be enough to get you onto their course.

    I kept a very poor AS result, and took it into A Level. My result did not improve; however, because of my two other A Level results, I was offered a place in my first choice university through clearing without a problem.

    I would recommend you take a new AS and dropping History if it's not for you. You may be able to get yourself some more UCAS points, which will help strengthen your cause. But it is entirely up to you. Just make sure to phone around the universities you like the look of and ask them whether they'll take you pending your other two A Level results.

  2. im only doing two a levels and i want to get in to science i was told by my guidance that it is fine so im sure you will be able to get in to uni but it really depends on the type of course you would like to do but i know that with 2 full a levels you can still go uni.  

  3. I wouldn't drop it.

    Only having 2 full A-Levels can make things difficult with UCAS points and stuff.

    What grade did you get for history?

    As long as it was above a U you'll be fine!

  4. You need to find out the entry requirements for the Uni course you would like to do. You can do this via Uni websites and there is good information on the UCAS website too.

    Once you know the minimum requirements, you can decide what you should do. Your college careers or UCAS officer will help you if you are unsure.

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