
I just got my BFP! But I'm worried ?

by  |  earlier

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Ahh, I'm so excited! It has been a LONG 8 mo. The reason I am worried is b/c first I cant believe it's true, and second I'm afraid this little bean wont stick. I took a dollar brand HPT, and I got a positive line. Not as dark as the control line but it was def positive. Do i need to schedule a bolood test right away? Also can BD hurt my chances? Like deep penetration? I know I'm paranoid, lol. My symptoms are sooooooo minimal. I am just tired and a little queezy, I would'nt even say queezy. I just feel off, if that makes sense. Thanks to everyone who answers all my questions! I REALLY appreciate it. I hope this is real!!!! Thanks!! Here is my chart. FF has not detected O in a 24hr time frame. The said I o'd somewhere between CD 14-26. I have no idea!





       have a healthy healthy 9 months

  2. It sounds like your mind will only be eased by a solid answer. So call your OBGYN and request that they set up a blood test for you and then you can be certain. Buy another test, like the digital ones and try that and maybe then you will feel better. I am just like you though. We have been TTC for over  a year and when the day comes that I do get a BFP I am never going to believe it! Best of Luck!

  3. Make a Dr appointment to confirm...but make it in a week or so...congratulations.  No BD can't hurt yuor chances.  IF you are pregnanct..the little bean it tucked up into your uterus.

  4. Congrats!

    Have a happy and healthy 9 months!

  5. I don't know what's wrong with FF, but your O date is CD19.  Go ahead and do a manual override using CD19 and a coverline of 97.8.  You'll see that your chart makes more sense.  This makes you 14DPO today.

    Most women don't have symptoms at this stage, so don't worry that yours are mild.  Also don't worry about the color of the test line.

    s*x is TOTALLY safe.

    You are 4 weeks pregnant, so call the doctor to have him/her confirm it with their own test and then they will advise you what to do from there.  


  6. It's really not necessary to see a doctor for now unless you want that back up BFP.  Both pregnancies I went to the dr to confirm because my hubby just couldn't believe it.  Generally a doctor doesn't start doing much until your 10-12 weeks along, just to make sure it will be a viable pregnancy.  Then your prenatal visits start.  Also when you book your first prenatal (probably about 12 weeks or so), tell them it's an OB prenatal visit so they can book you in for the appropriate time it takes.  Congrats and happy and healthy 9 months!

  7. 1. Additional BD is NOT going to cause you to have a miscarriage.

    #2. A Miscarriage is ALWAYS a possibility.  It's been estimated that as many as 50% of pregnancies result in miscarriage (but many of those are before the mother even found out she was pregnant).  Most miscarriages are due to genetic defects and there's not much you can do to cause or prevent a miscarriage at this point (assuming we're not talking about EXREAM activities).

    #3. Is there any know medical reasons why you have to confirm the pregnancy?  It's obviously not going to hurt to get a blood test (well, except for that needle they used to withdraw the blood).  But just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you've got to rush out and see a doctor.  However, you will need to at some point in the near future confirm your pregnancy with a doctor and begin prenatal care (though for now, the best prenatal care you can get is to begin taking prenatal vitamins if you are not already on them).


  9. Congratulations!

    I'd def schedule an appt. and no BDing won't hurt you... Celebrate!

    oooh I hope your little bean sticks too!

    yay for you =)

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