
I just got my PS3 I need some help?

by  |  earlier

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1. Where do you download updates?

2.Where do you buy patches and such for certain games?

3.Why didn't my PS3 80GB with MGS4 package come with a voice chat thing?

4.I don't like Xbox 360 Trolls

5.What does it mean by Little Big Planet Beta? is it like a demo because I haven't found it

Any help with these




  1. 1. the PS3 will send a message that a new update is available and will tell  u where to download it from

    or u can download from the ps3 website

    2. Patches usually are available for download when u play online or play the game

    if u want maps/levels u either need to buy them from the PS3 store or get a Game of the Year Edition

    3. i think u mean bluetooth headsets

    u have to purchase those separately

    4. Xbox 360 sucks!

    5. i dont know about the last one sorry

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