
I just got my belly pierced 4 wks ago and now I have a bump the with a little red-like blister. is it infected

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I just got my belly pierced 4 wks ago and now I have a bump the with a little red-like blister. is it infected




  1. It sounds like it yes.

    Have you been using the bactine that you are supposed to be using after this peircing?  Are you keeping it suffeciently clean?  

    Take a q-tip and get some bactine and clean the infected area as good as possible.  Make sure that you are doing this about 4 times a day until the infection goes away.

  2. it it definitely infected.  

  3. it sounds like an infection!

    i hope my tips will help you...

    don't use peroxide or alcohol, because not only can it damage the wound, it also can destroy the cells that form scar tissue.

    don't use creams or ointments (neosporin). They keep the wound moist & delay the healing process!

    really try not to wear tight clothes, or clothes that seem to really rub up on it because they can cause the piercing to grow out

    don't remove the ring during the healing phase because it can hurt REALLY bad trying to get it in, and you can possibly rip it :(

    DO'S: antibacterial soap (daily while bathing, but try not to rub it IN, just try to keep the area around it clean). Sea-salt, table-salt (both in warm water) or saline solution. THIS IS THE BEST. you can even take a warm cup of water, get some sea salt in it and soak it on your belly button.

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