
I just got my braces off about a month a go and my teeth still look bad..

by  |  earlier

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theyre straight, but theyre all different sizes so they still look crooked. is there a way to fix that? i think they can file them or something but does anyone know how much that would cost?? and one of my teeth still hasnt grown in all the way is there something that can make it grow in faster? i have to take senior pictures in a few weeks so i really want my smile to look good. Thanks,




  1. I think the best thing to do would be to go to your regular dentist and have them take a look at them and make any suggestions, if they're really as bad as you say they might have to do something like file some of them or put porcelain caps on some of your teeth, but both of those sound pretty dramatic...

  2. Are your teeth too small? Or too big? Either way you could do a process where they burn the gum to make the tooth look bigger, or gum grafting, which takes gum from other parts of your mouth and put it in places that need it, this makes the tooth look smaller. I dont know how much it costs, but you could defeniltey ask your dentist! And there is nothing you can do to make your tooth grow in faster.

  3. Vaneers are an option.

    Adjusting the incisal edge is an option, but only if your teeth are jagged on the edges and big enough to take some adjustment.

    Bleaching your teeth will make them look better, too.

    See your dentist and voice your concerns.  See what he says.  You can bleach them, at least.  That would be the least invasive.  I would start there, since even if you get vaneers, you would want your back teeth pretty white to match new white(at least shade 0m1) vaneers.

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