
I just got my braces on Saturday. Can I eat some Doritos or Hot Cheetos??

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also, is it normal for your teeth to hurt like ****** h**l!?!?!? especialy the front ones?




  1. You can usually eat almost anything. Except whole apples and corn on the cob. You could possibly break a bracket-- but it's no big deal if you do. They just glue it right back on.

    The teeth will usually hurt for a day or two after they get put on or readjusted.

  2. I wouldn't I have had to pay for an extra 2 years longer on my braces for not following what my orthodontist said about my braces..... that is 2000 bucks extra! For chewing on ice, eatcing hard crunchy and sticky things. I have had my braces for almost 5 years... and it is a big deal if you break off a bracket because that means the longer it takes for you to get them off and have pretty teeth. Trust me I know it is a pain in the butt but it is worth it in the end.... unless you are filthy rich and dont mind waiting on your teeth being fixed.... and having an angry orthodontist

  3. It's totally normal for your teeth to hurt at first... they are moving.  They will also hurt every time you get them tightened (but usually not as much.)

    I used to eat chips and drink soda, and I never lost a bracket.  You'll probably be fine, but your orthodontist will tell you to avoid those foods because it does s***w some people up.

    Don't eat anything super hard (e.g. popcorn kernels) or super sticky (e.g. Jolly Ranchers, Now & Later)  That can easily pop off a bracket or two.

  4. Hi.

    I just got braces two weeks ago, and my orthodontist said "Do NOT eat Doritos or crunchy chips, they might break a bracket off!"

    So, no, don't eat Doritos or Hot Cheetos. It sucks, I know, especially when you crave a cheesy chip, but it's bad to break a bracket.

    And yes, your teeth are going to hurt like h**l for about 3 days. Take whatever you take for a headache.

  5. yes you can :) well, this is coming from someone who chews gum, eats popcorn  & hard candy with her braces but yes those are fine lol. trust me after another few weeks you'll eat everythign you used to eat. and yes its normal, the first few days of braces are an absolute nightmare try tylenol :) feel better & good luck with your braces!

  6. yeah its normal for your teeth to hurt alot. you should probably not eat doritos or hot cheetos cause your teeth are still really sensitive and its gonna take like a month to get used to eating with your braces. soon you'll hardly notice they're there :) i doubt that you'll break a bracket on cheetos.... my orthodontist advised me to switch to the puffy version if i HAD to eat some lol. maybe you could buy a bag of the puffy hot cheetos and chew them really carefully if you're dying for some lol.... and about the doritos..... i dont know about those..... good luck!

  7. Might be safer to eat Cheetos. Doritos are crunchier and are more likely to damage your braces.

  8. no but in a week you will be able to

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