
I just got my braces put on

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and it doesn't hurt right now so I want to eat as much as I can before it starts to hurt. The problem is that I just got it put on an hour ago. Is it ok to start eating now? Will it loosen cement on the bracket?





  1. no, i dont think it will loosen anything.  mine didnt hurt at first either but in another two hours i'll warn you that they are gonna hurt A LOTTTTTT.  the pain is different for everyone though.  try taking a tylonal or motrin in an hour then it will kick in when it starts to hurt.  

  2. No eating wont loosen the brackets, but don't eat anything chewy or sticky like gum and Carmel, because that will bend or brake the brackets. For the first couple of days the braces will hurt so you might have to eat softer foods for a while. This will also happen monthly when you get them tightened =) Good Luck!!

  3. Listen, you do not have to worry about cement loosening. If you're not sitting in that chair getting it put on then you've got nothing to worry about.

    It will hurt tomorrow when you wake up. And it will hurt all day. Even if you put your teeth together slightly it's going to hurt. I promise.

    So enjoy today and know that the day AFTER tomorrow is going to be a lot better. For tomorrow, try yogurt or ice cream and take Tylenol to ease the pain.

    Good luck!

  4. No it won't loosen the cement. I've had braces before so I know what it's like. Take advil or something it really helps the pain I would suggest taking it now before the pain comes and a few days after that. Take the advil for about 2 days and the pain should be gone by then. I ate immediately when I got my braces on and everything was fine. Remember to keep them clean!

  5. i dunno sorry leave it an hour just to make sure

    but does it hurt to have them fitted? i might be getting them and i want to know if they hurt...

    hope this helps


  6. When i got my braces on it  was EXTREMLY hard to eat food.

    Go very soft on the diet.  

  7. I remember the second day was the worst.

  8. You prolly just got the brackets and the wires installed. I got mine three months ago and today i got the upper appliances installed, that hurts. You can eat, but try soft food for at least a week. Right now it wont hurt that much but if you eat hard food while your teeth are moving (which is normal)...that gonna hurt. Your brackets wont come off unless you eat a very hard piece of bread or candy. Eat soups, Jello, yogurt, mashed potatoes, etc etc. and remember to brush your teeth often.

    It was very hard for me to eat at first because i felt like a pressure in my teeth and i was afraid of breaking a bracket or wire. Just be carefull with what you eat...thats all.  

  9. Well.. I ate chicken as soon as i got mine on. Like, i went straight to Zaxbees and got chicken!!

  10. the first few days expect them to hurt.

    keep asprin and wax handy. xP

    the first couple days i ate soft things... sandwiches, soups, yogurts, fruit, pasta.

    just be aware of whatll make your teeth hurt. expirement! nothing sticky or very hard at this point though. thatll just agitate your teeth.

    you should be able to eat whatever you want in a few days.. it always hurts the most when theyre just put on.

    remember: eat lots of ice cream!! soft, wont hurt your teeth and its yummy (:

    good luck and i hope your teeth straighten quickly!

  11. You should be OK, but you really need to be careful what you eat.  Avoid biting into an apple (cut into pieces) and other hard foods and you probably want to stay away from gooey candy - it is really hard to get that out of the braces.

  12. yes its fine. and you probably should eat while you can because it will start to hurt. but be careful when you eat!

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