
I just got my braces...?

by Guest45170  |  earlier

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yay? i got them about 5, 6 hours ago and the pain is indescribable. all my teeth hurt and i can barely bite down. how can i ease the pain so i can eat something at school? i'm hungry! also, how long does it take for the pain to go away.




  1. i remember when i was in your situation. i got my braces off months ago. well, you should eat soft stuff, eat ice cream, jello, yogurt, stuff like that. also, take advil, it helped SOO MUCH.

  2. it never goes away its torture until you get them off

  3. Take tylenol. Believe me, I've been there and know how you feel. You should be able to chew in a couple days.

  4. It will take a week. When you get them tightened each month they will hurt again. Stay away from hard foods at those times. Eat smoothies and yogurt soft foods. Use wax on the brackets and orajel on the inside of your lips (or wherever it hurts). Also you can use a pain reliever like Advil.  

  5. Tylenol, Advil. You can eat soft foods like yogurt, oatmeal, soup.  I know how it feels! The pain may last anywhere from 3 to 10 days but in the end, when you get them off, it is totally worth the pain!

  6. just be glad u dont have to get other appliances! braces feel like nothing compared to that! Just eat stuff you dont have to bite off. Like maybe mashed potatoes, or jello. Convince ur parents to buy you icecream or a milkshake lol.

    it will take a few days untill u fell better, take some tylonal or however u spell it

  7. Hey I wore braces before I know what you mean. The pain will stay for like one or two days and then you can start eating freely. Til then I suggest soup or something very soft to bite down on... Try advil for pain relief, it might work.

  8. I just got my braces on Monday. And i am still in pain. Have you tried taking a Tylenol PM or an Ibuprofen?

  9. it takes about a week for the pain to go away and there really isnt anything you can do to ease it. i know it hurts, i had braces for 3 years. just eat soft stuff like mashed potatoes.  

  10. thank God i got mine off!!!! mine hurt REALLY bad when i first got them on but the best thing to do is just chill and take some tylenol and rub some oragel (numbing med 4 teeth) on em! and before you go to have them adjusted, make sure and take tylenol so it wont hurt as bad... eat soft foods!

  11. it might take a day. it depends how far apart ur teeth were.  one thing, if u have a boyfriend who has braces, DONT KISS HIM! ur braces could get stuck together. just so u know. if your hungry eat soup, that takes the pain away.

  12. don't listen to bmb777! The pain goes away in about 2-4 days! I had to eat Jello,pudding, and little pieces of cheese. Eat things that don't require A LOT of chewing. Something u can chew on ur molars in the back. That is the easiest! The wires may cause you a little discomfort sometime. But that is what the wax is for. It helps A LOT. You may get little sores on the top right and left of ur mouth- it is better to not put wax up there that way ur mouth can build a calis to the rubbing- it may hurt a little. You may get sores on the bottom- those are the ones that really hurt- they come and go though- sometimes you get them overnight- I go to sleep wthout them and wake up with them- So yea. Those you should put wax on- :)

  13. for the first week i got mine on i couldn't eat anything solid, it took until about the third day for me to even be able to kinda chew, ( so i kinda gnawed on ice cream).

    but ibuprofen was my best friend during that week, make sure to take it regularly and when you get your braces adjusted in the future, take one before just to be a little ahead of the pain.

    the pain gets less and less after each adjustment.

    and for me- the most annoying thing was the brackets on the back molars, they were cutting into my cheeks. So i got some wax from my ortho and wore that for the first month or so and it helped with the swelling.

  14. My braces are gone but when I had them I took Advil before and after I went to school and before lunch. Bring some yogurt to school or buy an ice-cream in the cafeteria (if they have any. ) Don't worry It doesn't hurt like that the whole time you have braces like another answerer says. Give it a week. I know that seems like a long time but it's not. But be prepared when you get your braces tightened. It will hurt just like it does now so take Advil before the tightening and you'll never feel a thing. Good Luck!

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