
I just got my contacts. help?

by  |  earlier

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i just got my contacts. i dont have them in today because my eyes are really earatated and sore bc last night i had a hard time getting them out and this morning i couldnt get them in. and besides all that it took me forever too learn how to put them in yesterday at my eye appointment. help. any helpfull hints?




  1. Other than reading the other answers I gave on your first question, try buying some eye drops from the grocery store.

    For example, any of the "clear eyes" drops can help soothe redness and irriation. I personally use "Visine for Contact Lens Relief".

    While your eyes are getting used to the new sensation of having lenses, you may want to use the cleansing solution as eye drops as well, to moisten and soothe irritation.

  2. Maybe you should call your doctor's office and see if you can get another appointment to practice putting them in & taking them out.  They also should be able to recommend the proper solutions for dry or irritated eyes.  My optometrist usually gives a little "care package" with new lenses.  It includes sample sizes of products he recommends for use with the contacts.

  3. I noticed when a friend of mine put his in that he would look at something else as he was putting them in,kinda like looking up at the ceiling at the very second you put them in...

  4. Yes, let your eyes rest for a while.  That's normal to have irritated and red eyes after learning how to put them in..  Whose eyes wouldn't be if you were poking at them all day?  The best thing is for them to be undisturbed for a day, then try again. Remember, if you're just starting, wear them 4 hrs the first day, 6 hrs the next, 8 the next and 10 after that.  Don't try to go a whole day w/ them in your first week!  Your eyes need to adjust to the changes, and they will, with some time!  Just leave them be for now and start fresh tomorrow!  Right now is the hardest part, it only gets easier =)



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