
I just got my ears pierced and im goin to volleyyball camp.?

by  |  earlier

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The piercings need to stay in my ear for 8 to 12 weeks.

are they gonna make me take it out at vball camp??

I can still go to volleyball practices and wear earrings??

Can I play a game with the earring in.. I got my cartlaige done if you need to know.. i really love volleyball but i need to keep this piercing open.. if i took it out for 4 hours and put it back in will it close that fast.. ireally need answers??




  1. I wouldn't advise going to volleyball camp with earrings on...

    They made us take them out whenever we were in games.

    It's just a precaution they take. You get hit with a volleyball wherever possible and if it just accidentally manages to hit your ear, that earring can go waaay into your skin, you know.

    I would just advise that it is a very tiny stud, ok?

    They wouldn't take you out volleyball camp for that, though.

      You'd just have to take it out during games and practice.

    If you trust the volleyball (which I highly not advise), then you can leave them in. Otherwise, I can tell you that the hole will least likely close in 4 hours...

    Did you just now get the piercing? Or like a couple of days ago?  If it was a couple of days ago, then you can take it out for 4 hours...Otherwise, leave it in for as long as you can.

    kk, Hope I helped,

    The Awesome One :D

  2. put clear applicators

  3. Same problem here except ive had it a little longer and in the begining i was in basketball and they permit absolutely NO jewelry and i went to volleyball camp a few weeks ago and going again tomro. I left it in, like im not gnna take it out because im carefull enuf to not let it get hurt. if they tell u u have to take it off, tell them that u just got it and if u take it out it will get infected and might close, and tell them if u culd just place a band-aid over it. The only reason they want u to wearno jewelry is because if u get hurt, u culd sue them or they culd get in truble. But i dont think cartilidge piercings get in the way, so dont worry gbout it, leave it it...and if u feel like u dont wanna risk it, cover it up with a band-aid. But, if ur gonna b playing a game, i think if they c it, theyll make u take it off.

    GL in camp and hope i helped♥♥

  4. they won't let you wear them in games unless you put tape over them. that is pretty easy to do though =]

  5. I am not sure about camps or practices.  I can speak for the matches.  The referees are supposed to make you take the earrings out.  I wish I could send you a picture of an ear that had the earring ripped out.  I use it for the referee clinics.  The entire bottom of the ear lobe is gone.  

    You can look for plastic spacers that referees might let you wear.  Or not.  

    I would HIGHLY recommend that you not wear earrings for volleyball.  I understand that you just got your ears pierced.  But wearing earrings, even taped over, are unsafe to wear.  Most people that do wear earrings do not have a problem, but there is still the chance.  And if you are on the court and the referees catch you, you can cost your team a point.  It is not worth it.

  6. sometimes they have u put tape on them

  7. i say talk to the coaches theyll probably have you put tape on it. but you need to have it healed by time for games.

  8. Oh... Most teams/organizations require that you take your earings out for any form of competition. They may cut you some slack when you are practicing but not in a game. During practice try taping your ears. But during the game I am sorry to say that you most likely will have to take them out. If you take them out for the time you are in and then between games e.c.t put them back in

  9. ohmygod im going to volleyball camp too and i have my nose pierced....i cant take that closes within 5 minutessss !!

    ahh im in the same situation your in

  10. You would have to ask them. Sometimes what they will have you do is put tape on them. Good Luck and have fun!!

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