
I just got my first cat. hows she doin?

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im wondering if you think she is happy. she was stray for about a week, my friends took her in. gave her to me. my first "big" pet.

she doesnt like either of the beds i bought her. she would rather lay down next to it on my carpet. one of them even has a special little pouch of catnip in it. i got her a scratching post, that she doesnt really use.

i did only get all of these things about two days ago though. will she actually use them soon?

sometimes she lies on her back and looks at me. my friends parents said she likes to be pet on her stomach so i try to. she lets me for a while, then she claws my hand and puts my hand into her mouth and kinda bites me. is she playing? does she want to be pet on the stomach?

my friend also said when she wags her tail it means she is happy. is that true?

im just curious




  1. Just give her some time to get used to you and her surroundings.  Cats need time to establish their territory.  

    She sounds like a lot of fun.  Remember to spend lots of time and don't play too rough with her.

  2. Your new friend just needs some time to adjust to her new family and home.  It sounds like you are giving her lots of love and attention, and are being a good dad.  Some cats will not use a bed, they would rather lay around on the floor or wherever, and i'm sure she will eventually use the scratching post.  Some cats like to be scratched on the belly and others don't, from the sounds of it your cat is one who does.  When she bites your hand as long as she's not biting really hard and drawing blood then she is just playing.  Don't play to rough with her because the more you use your hands to play the more they will think of them as toys, I had to learn this lesson the hard way.

    Keep up the good work, and make sure to get her into a vet if you already haven't for a check up, shots, and to be spayed.

    Best of luck!

  3. Cats are very ticklish on there stomachs. So I would just scratch her head and back. Usually a cats tail wagging is not happy sign. Not always mean either, just curious or mischievous. Good Luck with your new pet.

  4. Congrats on new kitty ownership!

    Cats take a while to adjust to their new surroundings. Give her time to adjust to the beds and scratching post. This is all new to her, just like it is for you. So don't rush her, let her get used to things in her own time.

    You didn't mention any toys, cats love toys! You can make some yourself, just ball up some paper and toss it on the floor. That's one of my cats favorite toys! They also like the tops from soda pop and other things they can chase on the floor and bat around.

    As for liking to be pet on the belly ... some cats like it, some don't. She may be trying to play with your hand, I have one cat who does that. She grabs my hand with her paws and "chews" on my hand, but doesn't bite (no marks, no blood). Or she could be tellling you she's had enough of you petting her there. Cats can't say "stop I've had enough" with words, so they will let you know in the way they let other cats know.

    For some cats tail wags can mean happiness, it all depends on HOW they wag it. If they are thumping it on the ground or swishing it very fast, they aren't very happy! This isn't a good time to try to pet her. If she's moving it in a more lazy fashion, then she's pretty content.

    Good luck with your new friend. Be sure to get her spayed and all her shots. Spaying her will benefit her healthwise as well as keep her from having any unwanted litters of kittens. Please don't forget this!

  5. well personally i don't think cats acctually use beds my cat has got loads but he doesn't sleep on any of them.

    when your cats nails get longer it will use the post.

    most cats like to be pet on thier somatch but dont do it for to long it can get irritated.

    and finally if it wags it's tail it either means that it's irriteated or just full of energy.

    i am speaking from my expirence with my 2 cats your cat may be different

  6. 1.) From time to time she probably start using all the stuff you bought her. She's just still use to being a stray.

    2.) Yes, when you scratch her belly and she reaches out and claws you and bites you-she's just playing. This was one of the ways she played with her litter mates. Don't worry, my cats do it all the time.

    Tips: If you do want her to start sleeping in her beds that you bought her, place her in there when she is half asleep, rub her a couple of minutes until she goes back to sleep. She might get the idea.

    Oh, and cats love toys such as these. You can probably make it yourself. Find a stick, yard long string, and some feathers. Tie the string to the end of the stick and tie the feather at the other end of the string. Then you have a toy! She'll love it.

    Good luck with your new cat! :)

  7. I think she is very happy because someone gave her a home.  She will get used to her new surroundings in time.  Just make sure you give her lots of attention and that she has access to water 24/7.  

    My cat does a similar thing when I pet him on his stomach.  I think its just a way of playing for them.  I wouldn't be too concerned about it.

    She may or may not be happy when she wags her tail.  Most times she's probably having fun!

    Hope that answers your questions!

  8. Mike,

    Give her time.  Someone left a 6-7 month cat at my garage sale (how cruel).  Any way, she has become attached to me. When she want to she lets me brush her and loves to have her tummy  rubbed.  When she wants to be picked up and cuddled she lets me know.  Cats are very independent and have a mind of their own; as I found out.    

  9. Awww she sounds fine , cats dont really go in beds they just sleep anywhere, my cats just sleep anywhere each week they have a new place to sleep. But she will start using the scratching post soon, she probbaly trying to get used to whats around her.

    At first my cat used to grab my hand and bite it when i pet her on the , but now she has got used to it she loves it and she dosnt grab my hand anymore, and when i come home from school she will lay infront of me on her back waiting for be to pet her on her stomach. She does bite me now and again but thats signs of playing, as long as shes purring then i guess she is happy =]

    And wagging her tail is a sign that she is unhappy or a bit down, if her tail i down and wagging then shes sad, but if its up in the air then shes happy =]

  10. Hi, sounds like you are off to a good start. I currently have 2 cats. One is 8, the other around 2 or 3. We've got a couple beds for the cats. It took a little while for them to start using them. They are in the spare bedroom next to my computer. When I'm in there at night they will lie down in them.  :)  As far as the stomach petting goes, once a cat has had enough belly rub for the moment, that's how they will tell you. You might have hit a ticklish, sensitive spot, or the cat just had enough.

    When I'm sitting at my computer my 8yo cat will either jump up on my lap, climb up to my shoulder, and start snuggling into my neck, or he will jump onto the chair in the little space behind me, curl up and go to sleep.

    Cat's usually like to be groomed. Get a good cat comb and let him get used to you brushing him. This will help prevent hairballs while he's grooming himself.

    The link below will tell you all kinds of things about cats, I gave you the page that tells about what the tail tells you!  ;)   Enjoy your cat!

  11. She sounds like a very spoilt and loved little girl. Good for her! When you tickle her little ribs and she bites, it's because she's ticklish! When she walks around and waves her tail, she's happy, but if you've been playing with her for a while and she's had enough and wants to be left alone, her tail will start going swish swish and she'll bite for real. Good luck! And give her a cuddle for me (my cat died a few months ago and I'm still a bit sad about it).

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