
I just got my first job, it's fast food, can I have some advice about working for the first time?

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It sounds silly but I'm really nervous. I need to save up to move out so it's important. I'm shy when I'm getting to know people but with strangers I'm fine, I'll be doing everything besides ovens, deep frying, etc. It's in a food court so it'll probably be smaller.

Can I have any helpful advice? I haven't went it yet, I'm overthinking everything and I'm scared I'm going to mess up.




  1. It is ok to be nervous, but it will not be the end of the world if you do mess up.  When you are being trained, listen to your supervisor, ask questions when you don't understand something, and be the best employee that you can be.  You will do just fine.

    Good Luck!

  2. You are actually way over thinking it, turns out your probably going to end up hating this job and so are the people around you, so you will share a hate.  Don't worry to much the people should be generally friendly.

  3. everybody starts out new and some remember what it was like when they were new, some dont and they think they are better because they have been there a while-dont worry about them.  you were  hired just like the rest of them.  you will do fine.  everyone screws up and you will see that.  at first it looks like things are under control the way everyone works but soon you will see the chaos that really is going on w/everyone.  im sure you will do your best and you might actually have fun times.  some of my best laughs were when i worked fast food.  learn what you can and save those paychecks!!  even if you spend some of it, you will be glad to see your bank account increase!!  good luck w/this job and your future jobs :)

  4. It's perfectly normal that you're nervous.

    Here's my advice.  Be on time - try to get there at least 10 minutes early on your first day, and 5 minutes early thereafter.  Write down your schedule.

    Don't take extended breaks or lunches.  If you have a half hour lunch, be back at your stations in 29 minutes.  Are you getting where I'm going with the whole time thing?  Five minutes late is  a good way to not pass probation.  It shows a lack of respect and organization.  Basically, be there when you're supposed to be and be on time or a little early.  

    Look clean and neat.  When you are finished with a task, tell your boss you're done and ask what you can do next.  Once you learn the ropes, be a self starter.  That means if you see something that needs to be done, you do it without asking - after you've finished you're assigned duties.

    The fact that you're asking advice on how to be a good employee shows me that you're enthusiastic and motivated.  Those are excellent qualities in any employee.

    Be professional and courteous to co-workers and the public.  Smile, smile, smile.  The public can be grumpy, but don't take it personally.  Be polite, smile and say thank you.

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