
I just got my first tamagotchi (v5 family) and i'm a little confused.?

by  |  earlier

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Does it realy take years for a tama 2 grow? how different is a v5 from any others? How do i advance my bonding points? Please help i would greatly appreciate it.




  1. No, It doesn't take two years for a tama to grow. The baby turns into a kid the first day you get it. Then it takes two days for the kid to turn into a teenager. Then it takes two days for the teenage to turn into the adult.

  2. No it doesn't take years for a tama to actually grow. If it did, trust me, you would have gotten completely bored of it by then. It takes about 4 days (5 days max) for a tama to grow into an adult. The v5 is different from other versions because unlike other versions you have to take care of more characters (3 max) instead of one. Also the v5 is mostly about responsibility on taking care and raising a good family based on their bonding. And the v5 has a wider screen than all the other versions and its more FUN!! =]. To advance your bonding points, you can have your tamagotchis play games with your family.

    NOTE: You can't do this on the first generation because your tamagotchis don't start off with parents! You have to wait until the second generation.

    You can also boost up your bonding by training your tamagotchis whenever they call you with a special sound. Just make sure to go to the training icon (the 6th icon) and selecting an item for them to train with.

    NOTE: You can only raise your bonding points by training your tamagotchis ONCE A DAY.

    Glad I helped! If you have further questions just email me. =]

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