
I just got my horse trained afew montha ago and i want to barrel race does any body have some tips?

by Guest64604  |  earlier

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dont really anwser for the points try to help me please




  1. --Keep your practice consistent, don't confuse the pattern in your horse's mind.

    --Keep it fun for your horse, and you both will become addicted to it!  

    --If either one of you are having a bad day, lay off and do something entirely different, so your horse doesn't have any sour associations with running the barrels.

    --If your horse ever seems to nick his shins on turns or stops, you may want to protect the legs with wraps and/or skid boots so the horse won't get to worrying about that and hesitate, (or get hurt).

    --Keep calm when entering the ring until you take off, many horses get a little crazy with anticipation.  It's a controlled explosion!  :)  hopefully... LOL

    --Keep yourself safe too, wearing chaps is a good thing, and anything to protect your legs, or head, and hands -not only for protection from injury, but to prevent any unconscious hesitation in your body language, because your horse can pick up on that!

  2. practice makes perfect

  3. what you do is you first walk around th barrels. Do this a lot. This will help your horse learn not to hit the barrels when cantering. Then move up to trot and go around them a lot. After days, yes, days of walking and trotting, you could try some cantering. It is a long, slow process but it should help your horse.

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