
I just got my tooth pulled the other day and no under my jaw hurts?

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  1. It will probably take a few days before your jaw stops hurting. It probably got a bit bruised when the dentist pulled your tooth out. Also, these teeth have long roots you know. Take a couple of painkillers for a day or two. It will go away soon.

  2. Did the Dentist give you a pain med.  Sometimes, actually oftentimes, the jaw bone is chipped when a tooth is pulled and this will cause the pain.  Even if it was the upper tooth pulled because pain can be in one area and generate to another area.  Pain is rotten like that.  If you are having a lot of pain, call you dentist and tell him/her.  Your jaw will hurt for a few days after the extraction anyway, but it shouldn't be so bad that it really bothers you.  So call the dentist and see what they say.  Hope you feel better.  

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